Their intention is to kill all of us, per agenda 21 depopulation. - TopicsExpress


Their intention is to kill all of us, per agenda 21 depopulation. Most people cant comprehend the level of evil that is behind whats happening in the world today. The events world wide are not coincidence. Theyre intending on changing the world structure to 10 unions instead of independent countries, with 10 governments operating under 1 international government, and a reduction in population to 500 million and an elimination of Christianity world wide. They didnt purchase billions of rounds of ammo, set up almost a thousand fema camps, stock them with body bags, furnances and coffins that hold 6 bodies each, and train an entire DHS unit, just for fun. Theres a purpose behind their actions, and that purpose is to kill every single one of us, take our country, and create the North American Union in place of Canada, America and Mexico. Theyve already eliminated the America/Mexico border, and theyre working to eliminate the borders in Crimea and Ukraine, as well as Palestine, Israel, Libya, Iraq, Syria, etc. And China is getting ready to start usurping properties as well. This is NOT a coincidence, and neither is the genocide of Christians world-wide, without one word from any leader, world-wide, because they know the plan. Rob Raskin Thank you, for that analysis.....
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 01:17:18 +0000

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