There Are Times I Question Why Me? There are days I want to say - TopicsExpress


There Are Times I Question Why Me? There are days I want to say “forget it” and I ask GOD why is this happening to me? I always get the same answer “why not you”? GOD positions us for our destiny through different types of trials which is to say at the very least, challenging! These obstacles are not meant to break us but are designed to build a foundation of immeasurable strength to withstand the attacks of the enemy. GOD will move the wrong people out of your life and replace them with people you are to guide by GOD’S Wisdom and also who are deserving but not quite at the level you are so as you are Blessed you can be a Blessing through GOD’S Power, Strength and Grace to the new people GOD has placed in your life but always acknowledging GOD as the reason you have the ability to Bless them. I finally came to this realization approximately 7 years ago and at that time I humbly accepted the challenge and let me tell you it has not been an easy road by any stretch of the imagination! It wasn’t until January 1984 that my life took the most pivotal and profound turn which although I thought I was prepared for but nothing could have prepared me for the turn my life would make and it was all by GOD’S deign. In September 2008 what I thought was behind me actually came to the forefront of my life and I had a choice to deal with my demons or turn back. In both situations I chose to move forward and just stand because only one of two things could happen; I would either make a change in my life from within or I would fail and everything I have been through has toughened me up and so guess what, I made it! Not to say every day is a bed of roses but I can see the progress happening. As Bishop Jakes said in one of his marvelous messages “with each new level there will be a new devil “and it is a true statement! The day we profess to be a Christian is the day all the trouble begins because if you think about it the enemy has no reason to through obstacles our way until we commit to GOD’S rules! I have many friend ladies who are encouraging me to begin a support group for men because I often give them my insight to help them understand their men. I have a unique outlook on life which has given me the ability to help men understand exactly what they are going through and exactly why the circumstances should not make them angry. Men you can turn your life around before your temper reaches level 10 and it all has to do with us as a person. I have purposely left out specific details in reference to the obstacles I’ve faced because I’m considering writing a self-help guide for men and also a companion book for women to assist them in understanding their man. Lorris Eugene Meeks
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 23:15:27 +0000

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