There are no neutral thoughts. Thoughts are energy and like - TopicsExpress


There are no neutral thoughts. Thoughts are energy and like energy they are either positive (from love) or negative (from fear). This is a challenging concept because until we check our thoughts and spend time considering what emotion causes them we mostly think they are neutral. Sadly when we do start looking into the causes of our thoughts we find the majority arise out of fear! Fear of not being right, fear of being judged or of no being judged at all; fear of not being important, or of not being smart enough, or happy enough, or rich enough or slim enough, or... or... or... an infinite list of possibilities! We mistaken think that computers are complex machines, when the reality is that they are poor copies of US. We are the complex bio-electromagnetic organisms, capable of making decisions based on millions of constantly changing factors - each thought is exactly that - the end result of a continuous background programme designed to assess everything we have every experienced against each new moment of experience all happening every moment of our existence. Computers have nothing on US! But, throw into this programme a spurious idea, an ill-formed lesson, a childhood misunderstanding and our thoughts can go haywire. Just a ship that steers wrong by 1 degree will ultimately end up 1000s of miles of course, so too have we ended up missing the point of our existence. Neuroscience is proving that 95% of our behaviour has been determined by the time we reach the age of 3. Most thinking up to this point occurs in the old reptilian part of our brain (the amygdala). The function of the Amygdala is to encode our fight or flight survival instincts. No memory as such, that happens from 3(ish) onwards as the hippocampus develops and explains why we have no memory of our early years. As any good hypnotherapist will tell you, our skill is in deactivating the Amygdala and accessing the old programmes that you need to amend or delete. A real change at the unconscious level can, and often does, lead to a change in course and a happier destination.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 15:25:16 +0000

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