There are so many questions to answer and many of them aren’t - TopicsExpress


There are so many questions to answer and many of them aren’t being asked. The reason is that the mainstream media are busy not asking them. (We will discuss them shortly.) Yes, you read it right, ‘busy not asking them’. Why do I say this? Well, it’s as plain as the nose on your face. This whole saga has been a serial failure of the media. Why have they refused to report in anywhere near enough depth this court determined conspiracy? The answer is clear with the Murdoch press. They don’t like the Labor party and want them gone. That is apparent by their pathetic tabloid, the Daily Telegraph, with its recent childish and immature depiction of Senator Conroy as a despot. Murdoch’s undeniably biased stable of newspapers represents between 65 and 70 per cent of newspapers in Australia. The Fairfax Group is another matter. They teeter between serious journalism and tabloid puffery. They still have some serious journalists, but not many. Then there is the influence of the richest woman in the world, Gina Rinehart, a major shareholder in Fairfax and one who seems to want total control of the Fairfax Media group. She also partially owns the Ten Network and is a director of that company. To even further muddy the waters, Ten’s Sunday Program ‘Meet the Press’ programme – once a serious journalistic enterprise produced by outstanding political reporter Paul Bongiorno – is now produced by News Limited. Paul Bongiorno has been moved to one side and the serious political reporting has been diluted by sport, lifestyle and entertainment reports. Ten also have LNP cheerleader and convicted racist Andrew Bolt producing the laughably partisan ‘Bolt report’. Channel Seven is owned by Kerry Stokes, and is also a right leaning organisation, though their whimsical press correspondent Mark Reilly has had his moments of greatness: Channel Nine is another right leaning organisation, with one standout in Lisa Wilkinson from the Today Show, where she held Abbott to account after he hadn’t read an important BHP Billiton media release about Olympic Dam. Most disturbing of all is the ABC’s failure to properly investigate this affair. Much has been written about the ABC programs and their bias by Independent Australia. The greatest loss of Journalism at the ABC has been the sideways move of Kerry O’Brien from the 7.30 report and, although his replacement Leigh Sales has done a reasonable job, she is negated by co-presenter Chris Uhlmann, who uses emotive language about the Government and the prime minister whenever he gets the chance. Perhaps most pertinently, Uhlmann is also close friends with Ashbygate conspirator Steve Lewis, and indeed wrote a “novel” with him — The Marmalade Diaries. Uhlmann has been relentless on 7.30 in talking up stories about the Labor leadership. It is interesting to note that he, in fact is married to a Federal Labor MP, Gai Brodtmann, who allegedly was part of the Rudd faction.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 04:37:46 +0000

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