There are some sick people in this world, and I am serious. People - TopicsExpress


There are some sick people in this world, and I am serious. People will make up fake stories about how their kids have a stomach surgery and how they went all the way from montreal to ottawa for a perscription and bring only 70 dollars and HE WORKS FOR BELL ALLEGEDLY and he claims he is 13 dollars short for perscription for his sons surgery and the MAN STARTED TEARING UP WHEN HE WAS TALKING ABOUT HIS SON STOMACH SURGERY me and Jamal IsBallin gave him a bit of money and we both knew he could be lying but we still gave him a 20. THEN i WAS WITH Gargaar Farah Koshin Hujaleh and we him again and this guy asks me for bus tickets and I knew then this guy is broke who comes all the way from montreal to ottawa with no money. Then LATER I SEE THE GUY DRUNK OUT OF HIS MIND REALLY REALLY YOU WILL MAKE UP A FAKE STORY ABOUT HIS ALLEGED SON GONNA DIE IF HE DONT GET THE PERSCRIPTION COME ON BRO THIS GUY HAD A I PHONE 5 THAT LOOKED NEW AND HE CLAIMS HE WORKS FOR BELL COME ON MAN COME ON THERE ARE SICK PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 03:20:33 +0000

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