There are those who fight to overcome Racism and there are those - TopicsExpress


There are those who fight to overcome Racism and there are those who wield Racism like a sword. It is not a surprise to most of us to find the Aristocracy in DC using any weapon they can get their hands on to increase their power and wealth. In President Obama’s interview with David Remnick of the New Yorker Magazine, President Obama argued that: “Conservatives’ preference for policies being decided by state governments can’t be separated from the intertwined history of states’ rights and slavery in the years leading to the Civil War and racial prejudice since then.” Let’s get one thing clear. The preference for policies being made by State Governments is NOT a Conservative preference. It is an American preference AND a Constitutional Requirement. The 10th Amendment states: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” The powers not delegated to the Federal Government in the Constitution, belong to the States and the People. Racism is being used as one of the many excuses to justify the Federal Government overreaching their authority. President Obama is telling us that because of slavery before the civil war and racism that exists today, that it is better to let DC make all the decisions so they can ensure that everyone is treated fairly. EXCUSE ME? The US Congress is filled with wealthy aristocrats that have turned the representation of our country into a VERY lucrative CAREER. They are in bed with more lobbyists that we can count and are making their decisions based on self-legalized insider trading. They want us to believe that we are better off being One Big Happy State where they make all the decisions rather than 50 Independent States. They want us to close our eyes to the 10th Amendment because THEY know what is best for us and THEY will take care of us and that’s much more important than the outdated guidelines on which our country is founded. We have the President of the United States telling us that RACISM justifies the overreach of Federal Authority. THERE HAS TO COME A POINT WHEN ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! THERE HAS TO COME A TIME WHEN WE PUT AN END TO CORRUPT, CAREER POLITICIANS IN THE US CONGRESS! We have already started the ball rolling. At Term Limits for US Congress, we have begun a grassroots movement using Article 5 to Impose Term Limits on the US Congress, Without Their Approval! On May 26th, Memorial Day, we will begin petitioning in ALL 50 States. We are currently setting up our State and County Teams. Now is the time to become involved. Here is the link to our Game Plan, which outlines what we are doing and how. facebook/photo.php?fbid=672492612772824&set=a.672492599439492.1073741988.563221050366648&type=1&relevant_count=1
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 01:08:03 +0000

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