There are times in our lives where it seems that we are hit by one - TopicsExpress


There are times in our lives where it seems that we are hit by one thing after another. I have so many people in my life right now that are going through many difficult situations. Some are battling with health issues. It has been one thing after another, or they have been struck with crippling diseases out of nowhere. I have seen people so weak in their situation that they have moments when they feel like all hope is lost. They cry out to God and ask for healing, just to wake up the next day even worse than before. Rich seems to be one of those people in this season. He has been continually battling this problem with the veins in his legs. It has left him sick and exhausted. As if going through the Masters program in Electrical Engineering wasn’t painful enough, he is doing it while going through one surgery after another. Each day I spend so much time crying out to God to heal him. Each day my heart breaks as I see him suffer and struggle in pain trying to get through another day. As we go through this season I want to ask all of you to lift him up in prayer. He needs prayer and he needs support. I believe that God is in control and has him going through this for a reason. It may not make sense to us now, but I know it will eventually. We just have to keep our focus and perspective in the right place. In the Psalms, David is continually laying his requests before God. He continually making his complaints known and cries out to Him, but in the end, he always praises God. He always recognizes that HE is in control and he praises Him for who He is. Davids love and heart for God enabled him to blindly trust Him regardless of what he was going through. I see this in my husband. He may be tired. He may feel horrible, but he still smiles. He still praises God and trust that He is in charge and knows what He is doing. I love watching his faith. It is easy to praise God when everything is going your way, but to do it with all your heart when things are not is a completely different story. I admire the faith and perseverance Rich has. It is such an amazing example to me as I watch him live it out. So as we head back to the surgeon again today to get another plan of action and most likely another surgery scheduled, please pray for us. Pray for healing and strength. Pray that Rich will continue to rely on God and persevere through this season being obedient and faithful to his calling in Him. There is nothing our God cannot do. We can never forget this - The God who calls you is strong enough to keep you! Hang in there baby, He will carry you through.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 19:11:15 +0000

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