There are two aspects of raising the standard for missionary - TopicsExpress


There are two aspects of raising the standard for missionary service that we would do well to consider. The first is the early preparation of young men and women. In their letter introducing some modifications to the Young Men and Young Women programs, the First Presidency said, As youth work on these goals, they will develop skills and attributes that will lead them to the temple and prepare them for a lifetime of service to their families and the Lord. Listen carefully to their words: develop skills and attributes. As parents and leaders of youth, we need to help our young people identify these skills and attributes. The second aspect revolves around personal worthiness, which comes through keeping the commandments of God. Some young men have had the notion that they can break the commandments, confess to their bishops one year before they plan to go on a mission, and then be worthy to serve. The repentance process is far more than planned confession followed by a waiting period. We often hear this question of one who has transgressed: How long will I have to wait before I can go on my mission? Keep in mind that repentance is not simply a waiting game. The Savior said: And ye shall offer for a sacrifice unto me a broken heart and a contrite spirit. And whoso cometh unto me with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, him will I baptize with fire and with the Holy Ghost. The bar for missionary service has been raised. Those individuals not able to meet the physical, mental, and emotional demands of full-time missionary work are honorably excused. They may be called to serve in other rewarding capacities. We believe by following the guidelines outlined by the First Presidency, there will be an increase in the number of full-time missionaries who are worthy and prepared to serve.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 00:00:00 +0000

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