There are two types of people in this world when it comes to - TopicsExpress


There are two types of people in this world when it comes to attitude and thought process. The first set of people; these are the ones who wait for opportunities to come to them so that they can take them. They wait endlessly for some mirage or oasis to magically appear. Yet, it never comes to fruition, and they end up in some job they had no intention of being in, doing some minuscule task, that they had no desire doing. All because, they werent willing to risk it. The second set of people; these are the ones who find a way to create opportunities for themselves. These are the ones who make their own luck, so to speak. These people are your fortune 500 CEO types. These are the ones who live life on their terms. These are the ones who live the life that they wanted to, that they intended – that they envisioned. And the difference between these two sets of people comes down to the concept of fear. The only fear you should have in this life, is fear in itself. Because, those who arent afraid to go after what they want in life, are the ones who turn out to be successful. Every successful person has conditioned their mind to think that they are going to succeed at anything that they do. Success is often a result of not being afraid to accomplish anything that you want to accomplish. Because anything is possible. A lot of people just disregard it, and they say to themselves, that successful people are there because they were lucky, or that they were the product of good circumstances. But, you are your own driving engine You are your own brake. Meaning that you are the only one who can determine your own fate. You know, we can look at a laundry list of billionaires, who started with absolutely nothing. – and ultimately got to where they wanted to be. Sam Walton, Ralph Lauren, Harold Hamm, David Murdoch, Howard Schultz, Oprah Winfrey, Larry Ellison and John Paul DeJoria. All these people, started with nothing, and built their empires through a gradual process, by putting in the hours and time every single day to get there. John Paul started Paul Mitchell hair products with $700 in his pocket.. All John Paul DeJoria had was $700, and this ridiculous, obsessive, sickening work ethic, to turn his $700 into something more. John Paul was willing to put it all on the line through venture after venture and what he believed, to turn it into something powerful and eventually it led to being a billionaire. And still, he hasnt stopped – even once he got there. Because it’s about never being satisfied with your past performances – and not being afraid to just go out there and do it. No one got to where they were without brick walls & stumbles along the way, because no matter how good your idea is or how much work youre willing to put into it, theres always going to be those dream killers. Theres always going to be those people who say it cant be done. But the only one, who can prove them right or wrong is YOU. The only one holding you back is yourself. Any brick walls hathat come your way you ave to be willing to ask yourself Am I willing to get past the wall, or am I going to let it stop me? because these brick walls they exist for one reason & one reason only, to signify how badly you want something. No business or endeavor was produced overnight, its a result of getting past brick wall after brick wall. It all comes down to how you are willing to see your idea and your endeavor through to the end. You know, you can always point the finger at somebody else, or something, and say, that that was the reason that you didnt get to where you wanted to be. People make excuses about the economy and say that that’s why they are not successful. Yet, in the 1980’s, inflation and unemployment were worse than it is today. You can always point the finger at someone else and say that’s the reason. In reality, it’s all up to you. You have a choice, every single day, with what you are going to do with your life. Who you are going to spend it with or where youre going to spend your money. But, if you just go out and do what you are passionate about, what you believe in, you are going to be amazed at how far it’s going to take you. Youve got to believe in what youre doing. Youve got to believe that your cause is worth making as many sacrifices as it may possibly take to get there. The successful people in this world, those future business leaders of tomorrow, those future professional athletes, musicians, and actors and community leaders, the future presidents of the United States…they are not afraid to create their own opportunities. They know where they are going in this world. They know where they are going to end up. Do You?
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 23:06:03 +0000

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