There comes a time when, as one spiritual awareness develops, that - TopicsExpress


There comes a time when, as one spiritual awareness develops, that one becomes aware of a companion that watches over you. It is at this time that you have to look up and say out loud ... OK, I acknowledge your existence and I am willing to listen. Now I know that many of you will scoff at a spiritual guide or a guardian angel or whatever you wish to call him / her / it. It does not need to be a specific identity ... it could be something a lot simpler ... It could be like just settling into a niche in the universe, into a groove. Like a surfer finding a wave, and then just cruising along on the wave, deriving energy from it, and then getting in synch with others on the same wave. Am I making sense here > I hope so, Because I am trying to impart something of relevance. For ten years I ran a little country pub. And maybe its is that, becuase I was sitting at the focal point of a community, I noticed things that others did not see. Waves of synchronicity. I noticed that during the month groups of people tended to do the same thing. Groups of people would meet at specific places in repetetive cycles. But then it became more complex and sophisticated. Groups of people would go and sign contracts, go to banks, go to markets, have fights with girlfriends / wives, have breakdowns, invite friends for dinner, do building work, start gardens, paint the house .... Social rythms. And here is the crazy thing ... Those that resisted these waves or rythms ... They were allways at odds with the universe. Its lik they were out of synch. Those tha expended energy to get out of this cosmic grove allways seemd to be expending huge amounts of energy staying out of the groove. Its like the guy who walked out one morning and his car would not start. Now, he could have called the mechanic and waited, and let the universe come into synch and his problem would have been resolved. But no, he had to push it, and he just ended up compounding his problems. So, the next time you feel your life being driven by forces beyond your control, just take a chill, relax, and give the universe a chance to unfold the path before you that it is trying to. You will find things so much easier when you are in synch with the cosmos. Are you in synch with the cosmos ? Give it a try! The next time you cant make a posting or something stiffs out ... Dont get all worked up ... Just accept that the universe is trying to keep u in the groove.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 17:29:03 +0000

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