There has been a forecast that there is going to be and Eclipse of - TopicsExpress


There has been a forecast that there is going to be and Eclipse of the Sun in some part of Nigeria tomorrow. It is not okay to start viewing it with some kind of glasses or something of sort. The right thing to do is to observe Salat Kusoof. The following article will be of great help: The Salaat During the Eclipse: Performing the salaat during a solar or lunar eclipse is considered sunna mu’akkadah (constant, uninterrupted sunna) by agreement of the scholars; based on the hadith; “Neither the sun, nor the moon, eclipse due to the death, or life of anyone, but they are signs from amongst the signs of Allah ta’ala, so if you see any one of them, stand up and pray”[1]. The Prophet (SAWS) prayed this salaat, and a miraculous occurrence took place; in the hadith of ibn Abbaas, he said: Once a solar eclipse occurred during the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah (SAWS). He offered the eclipse prayer. His companions asked, “O Allah’s Apostle! We saw you trying to take something while standing at your place and then we saw you retreating.” The Prophet said, “I was shown Paradise and wanted to have a bunch of fruit from it. Had I taken it, you would have eaten from it as long as the world remains.” How it is performed? Salaatul Kusoof has no athaan, no iqaamah, and is preceded by the words, assalaatul jaami’ah (the prayer is gathering) as reported in the hadith of Aisha; an eclipse of the sun occurred during the time of the Prophet (SAWS) and he ordered a man to call out: ‘assalaatu jaami’ah’.[2] Salaatul Kusoof consists of two rak’aat, and each rak’at has two rukoo, two qiyaams, and two recitations instead of one respectively for other prayers. It is sunna to perform salaatul Kusoof in congregation, inside the Masjid, behind an Imam where salaatul Jum’ah is held as was the practice of the Prophet (SAWS). However it is permissible to pray in other areas as well When is it performed? Salaatul Kusoof can only be done during a solar or lunar eclipse. The time for performing salaatul Kusoof begins at the beginning of the eclipse and concludes when the eclipse is completely ended. The prayer can begin as soon as the eclipse starts or at anytime thereafter, and it is sunna to continue praying until the eclipse has ended. Who should attend? Salaatul Kusoof is legislated for the stationary (non-travelling) person as well as the traveler. It is permissible for men, women and children in the same manner as salaatul Jum’ah. Issues related to Salaatul Kusoof •It is recommended (mustahabb) to perform a ghusl (ritual bath) for salaatul Kusoof, by its resemblance to salaatul Jum’ah. •If a person waits until after the eclipse is over, then they should not pray salaatul Kusoof, based upon the hadith: “If you see it, pray until it has cleared”.[3] •If people are praying Kusoof and it clears during their salaat, then they should continue praying until they are finished the salaat. •The sunna is to lengthen the recitation during salaatul Kusoof based upon the hadith of Ibn Abbaas; “The sun eclipsed and the Prophet (SAWS) prayed while the people prayed with him, and he stood a long time for an extent that was something like sura al-Baqara”.[4] •It is permissible to pray a shorter length. According to Imam an-Nawawi, the minimum recitation for salaatul Kusoof is to recite sura al-Faatiha during each recitation.[5] •After the salaat, it is sunna for the imam to deliver a khutba, in the same manner as the khutbatul Jum’ah as was done by the Prophet (SAWS). This is based upon the hadith of Aisha; “Although the Prophet finished the salat (Kusoof), he delivered a khutba wherein he thanked Allah and praised Him’.[6] •It is recommened to give sadaqa after salaatul Kusoof, based upon the hadith; “and if you see that (The Eclipse), pray and give sadaqa”[7]. •It is permissible to pray salaatul Kusoof individually. However, if possible, it is better to do it with an Imam in the Masjid as was practiced by the Prophet (SAWS). Conclusion Salaatul Kusoof is an important sunna of the Prophet (SAWS). It should be prayed in congregation in a Masjid whenever possible and people should come out to observe the prayer if they are able. And Allah knows best! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] Collected by Bukhaari, and Muslim, with multiple narrations from several companions of the Prophet (SAWS), including Ibn Abbaas, Abu Musa, Jaabir ibn Abdullah, Mugheera ibn Shu’bah, and others. [2] Collected by Bukhaari [3] Collected by Muslim in the narration of Jaabir. [4] Collected by Bukhaari and Muslim. [5] Kitaab al-Maj’moo, vol. 5, p. 53. [6] Collected by Bukhaari and Muslim. [7] Collected by Bukhaari and Muslim.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 09:49:46 +0000

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