"There has been renewed interest in recent months in the - TopicsExpress


"There has been renewed interest in recent months in the “Marilyn Monroe Diet” with the marking of the 50th anniversary of her death last August. While the simple diet Ms. Monroe favored would be unbearably boring for many, the basic premises she followed were sound albeit controversial and perhaps even quirky for her day. No processed foods with the exception of an occasional ice cream treat. Minimal inclusion of starchy, grain based or sugary foods like bread, pasta, bagels, cereal, crackers, cookies or other refined carbs. Frequent consumption of liver, the number one nutrient dense food on the planet and nature’s multivitamin. Balanced exercise without undue focus on constant or excessive working out to maintain one’s figure and muscle tone or to overcome poor dietary choices. As Paula Jager CSCS, Fitness Editor for this blog is fond of saying, “You can’t outwork a bad diet!” Clearly, Marilyn Monroe’s focus on simple, self prepared, whole, nutrient dense foods afforded her the luxury of not having to find this out the hard way."
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 10:43:53 +0000

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