There is Hope ! but those who hope in the Lord will renew - TopicsExpress


There is Hope ! but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. (Isaiah 40:31 NIV) Happy New Year ! It has been a long time since I have written a devotional and sent it out to you all. Its time for me to be transparent with you . You know how you get so busy in life ? You think , I missed doing something today , but I ll catch up tomorrow . I am so busy with work .... Yes, thats what happened to me and before I knew it , I wasnt writing at all. The devil is a liar ! God wants us to watch as well as pray ( Matthew 26:42). Watch out for the subtle things in life that distracts you from what God has assigned , and purposed for you to do. Remember last year I wrote that God showed me that we would have Red Sea Miracles in 2014, that when things, people or situations were on our backs and we couldnt see a way out in front of us , just like the Israelites God would open a way for us , that we would know it was only God that made a way for us , it would be a Red Sea Miracle ! I had many Red Sea Miracles and many of you did too ! In 2015 God is showing me there is hope ! In Isaiah 40:31 NIV it says : but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. In this passage the word hope in other translations is also referred to as those who wait , or is in expectation in the Lord , will renew or revive their strength. The Barnes Note on the Bible says The phrase to wait on Yahweh means to wait for his help ; that is to trust in Him , to put our hope or confidence in him . You will get strong when facing adversity in life , when you focus , trust and put your hope in the Lord . Barnes Note on the Bible says : They shall mount up with wings as eagles - Lowth translates this They shall put forth fresh feathers like the moulting eagle; and in his note on the passage remarks, that it has been a common and popular opinion that the eagle lives and retains his vigor to a great age; and that, beyond the common lot of other birds, he moults in his old age, and renews his feathers, and with them his youth. He supposes that the passage in Psalm 103:5, So that thy youth is renewed like the eagles, refers to this fact. That this was a common and popular opinion among the ancients, is clearly proved by Bochart (Hieroz. ii. 2. 1. pp. 165-169). the eagle plunged itself in the sea and cast off its old feathers, and that new feathers started forth, and that thus it lived often to the hundredth year, They shall put forth fresh feathers . Are you ready for your new feathers ? Are you ready to fly to soar ? In 2015 plunge yourself in the Lord , in his word and shed those old feathers , old habits , old behaviors, that have caused you not to be able to soar . When you put your hope in the Lord you will be refreshed , revived , renewed to be able to stand against the wiles of the devil Ephesians 6:11-13. You will be able to soar in 2015 like Eagles ! When you hope in the Lord you will be able to run for the Lord and not get tired or weary. Because you know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me Philippians 4:13. When God calls you to something He will give you the strength to do it ! Put your hope in the Lord , wait on the Lord , expect great things from the Lord ; then You will be able to walk in your purpose , your calling in 2015 , and not faint , not fall , or give up . I believe God is going to blow our minds this year . He will give us the desires of our hearts and even things that we dont expect will come to pass , all because we have released full control of our lives to Him , hoping and trusting in him . There is hope ! God bless you and Happy New Year ! Rev . Janis
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 20:25:09 +0000

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