There is a 3d verse in the Negro National Anthem. The CHORUS - TopicsExpress


There is a 3d verse in the Negro National Anthem. The CHORUS states. Lest our feet stray from the places our God where we met Thee Lest our hearts drunk with the wine of the world we forget Thee. Let us THANK GOD for His Son who he gave us Let us thank Jesus who was willing to do Gods will in dying for us Let us pray that the Comforter continue to allow us comfort in not finding His commandments grievious Let us thank God for a Pastor in Rev. Dr. Manson B. Johnson willing to stand in the gap for us with prayer each day. Let us thank God for his vision of fasting including the Health Watch and the vitamins offered at our Health Bar by Kathleen and the vitamins of His Word offered by each sermon, CD, and DVD. Please do not take any of the above for granted. Cultivate your relationship with Jesus Christ with prayer, listening to and looking at the aforementioned, while praying for our Pastor and his family. In doing this we will be less likely to stray with our feet and BE DRUNK WITH WORLD, FORGETTING OUR LOVE AFFAIR WITH GOD.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 11:53:47 +0000

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