There is another ol Dotti story, well actually many, but this one - TopicsExpress


There is another ol Dotti story, well actually many, but this one relates to her birthday - its just taking me awhile to assimilate the magic of it all and will post when I can put it into words. But the concept of the ol Dotti stories are based on an unusual fact - she passed away almost 5 years ago and yet all the signs and synchronisities I experience have her trademarks all over them. There is no doubt they are connected with her .. so I take for granted that life goes on. For life to go on, there has to be the transition from life back to energy and that is the process of dying. That is probably the least discussed subject of our lives but it is a conversation that, when had, gives insights, options and some understanding. With everything in the world that changes, perhaps our understanding of the end of life process could be modified so that, although it can be traumatic and sad, we at least have heard a discussion that it can also be many other things .. There are more and more people who talk about near-death-experiences, passing over and even the after-life. Its not a new concept, the Egyptians and other religions believed it a long time ago. Eben Alexander III is an American neurosurgeon who describes his 2008 near-death experience in Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeons Journey into the Afterlife .. and it is beautiful. Anita Moorjani was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and doctors told her family she was just hours away from death. It was at this point that she crossed over but came back and now speaks of what happens in that moment of dying .. and it is beautiful. Dr Raymond Moody, now 70 yo, is quoted as saying : I dont mind saying that after talking with over a thousand people who have had these experiences, and having experienced many times some of the really baffling and unusual features of these experiences, it has given me great confidence that there is a life after death. As a matter of fact, I must confess to you in all honesty, I have absolutely no doubt, on the basis of what my patients have told me, that they did get a glimpse of the beyond. ..and it is all beautiful. Others such as Elisabeth Kubler-Ross; Dannion Brinkley; Jill Bolte Taylor - Harvard Trained Brain Scientist who had a stroke and experienced a spiritual metamorphosis and many others all speak to the fact that on the other side of passing is peace, reunion, joy and more love than they can put into words. To get to the understanding and fun I now have with ol Dotti, I had to go through losing many, many people with the old understanding .. having experienced the vista of emotions from incomparable grief to incomparable joy, I hope that in some way, others get to mitigate what they experience because it is the most beautiful people who feel loss the deepest. I started listening to this speaker I didnt know and didnt expect there to be much more information .. instead I was mesmerized, smiling and kept watching past midnight. I wish I had sat in front of a conversation like this many years ago
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 02:38:55 +0000

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