There is nothing more insulting or irritating than when someone - TopicsExpress


There is nothing more insulting or irritating than when someone attacks your own area of expertise and attempts to school you with their unresearched, prejudicial, exclusionary and factually incorrect rhetoric - Especially when the topic at hand is one that you have extensively researched and your entire career depends on your information being correct, unbiased and peer-reviewed by acclaimed experts in the field. It would be pretty misguided and ignorant of me to tell one of my hairdresser friends that you can successfully dye hair blonde using yellow chalk (when I have no hairdressing experience or knowledge whatsoever), and then proceed to argue my point with them until I am blue in the face when anyone who has done even basic research will know that what I am saying merely constitutes uneducated garbage. Given that I dont do this to you, Id appreciate the same courtesy in return. Here is a truth bomb: Not everyone is entitled to their opinion, certainly not on whichever topic they wish to speak up about. A misinformed and unsubstantiated view does not deserve equal consideration to one developed from years of research and direct experience. Moreover, if you have extreme things to say about a particular group of people (and we all know what Im talking about here), be able to support it with factual information from credible sources and no, Andrew Bolt and pages such as Australian First do not count. Spreading idiotic rhetoric that is harmful and exclusionary, resulting in a nation guided by fear and misinformation (as opposed to one that we can actually be proud of) is taking us far further backward than any culture or faith that people so readily and callously denounce. I need a good clean out of my Facebook friends anyway, so if you are the kind of person who likes to tear down other groups of human beings that you have no understanding of nor compassion for, do me a massive favour and unfriend me. I have way too many kick-ass friends who respect what I do and who actually want Australia to move forward and I would rather spend my time and energy on those people. Thanks folks!!
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 23:48:38 +0000

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