There were times Shawshank Redemption seemed to play almost - TopicsExpress


There were times Shawshank Redemption seemed to play almost endlessly on cable. Like a handful of classics such as The Godfather I and II, it was one for which I would usually stop surfing and watch to the next commercial break at least, marveling at the acting and the dialogue. Flash forward to now...I dont have cable or satellite anymore and I havent been reminded of Shawshank for a very long long time. Frankly, Hollywood movie dreams arent a very big part of my current consciousness. So how to explain this? I was coming up out of the State Street Subway early last night at Harrison, not far from where Jimmy Stewart was once filmed doing something similar in the noir film classic Call Northside 777, the real life story of a crusading reporter and a loving mother who wouldnt give up on a son who is framed and unjustly sentenced to life in the Illinois penal system. As I huffed and puffed my way up the stairs, a line lodged itself in my brain, Get busy living or get busy dying. I recognized it but didnt really remember the source, thinking it was one of those cliches that gets repeated endlessly. I actually googled it and then remembered its a line that Andy utters to Red in Shawshank. But just the reminder of the sentiment expressed there was an inspiration to yours truly. I reached some decisions recently to concentrate on moving forward in some important professional and personal areas with the knowledge that Im truly the only one with the help perhaps of someone or something supernatural who can make changes in my life. As the Allman dudes once sang, We aint wastin time no more/Cause time goes by like hurricanes/Runnin after subway trains/Dont forget the pouring rain....
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 08:19:12 +0000

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