Theres no experience like seeing your country with new eyes from - TopicsExpress


Theres no experience like seeing your country with new eyes from the other side of the world. When I lived in New York City, I did my patriotic duties regularly and voted in every election since I was 18 years old. My pride in my country knew no bounds and in my patriotic fervor I convinced myself that no matter what - it is my country right or wrong. But these last few years Ive seen more wrong than right about America. The systematic decline of human decency, the propagation of greed and avarice, the stunning lack of empathy for those that need us to help them, while we throw money at other countries and our fellow human beings live on American streets. Ive seen a President under duress and disrespect for 5-1/2 years, the senseless and unfounded conspiracies directed at him by racists trying to hide a despicable agenda, and Ive seen the number of poor people and homeless grow because one political party has devoted itself to a deprivation agenda, blockades and conspiracies. And because of them, my progressive-thinking country became at war with itself. Self-serving politicians and seditionist millionaires and billionaires waged a war on democracy. If they are allowed to continue on this path, they will succeed in murdering American democracy. So they tout the blessings of the Good Old Days, when human dignity was at its lowest, when women and minorities werent allowed to vote, and Labor Laws didnt exist. And so they have worked tirelessly to tear down all that made America great and all because they wanted more and more for themselves and less and less for the rest of us. And while they were at it, they systematically disparaged one President because of the color of his skin. Oh, theyll deny this and they often do, but spite directed at one man that trickles down on the rest of us is like throwing burning acid in the faces of the people that voted for this President and that made America great. And, incidentally, more than half of America elected this President. In their wisdom they recognized a charlatan and rejected him. Unfortunately, the army of his fellow charlatans is still with us. They attack the poor, the struggling, conspiring to create their own private kingdom of lords and serfs and take even the land from us, rolling it up like a rug from under us by burying it under their passion to rape the only home we have. And worst of all, they attack and seek to deprive those that fight and die to keep America great, all the while insisting on more and more military machines and while sending other peoples children into wars to fight and die. Obviously, we are dealing with a party of reactionairies that are trying to drag America into the Dark Ages and another party so under duress from lobbyists that support their opponents they dont have the power to deflect the attack. So whats the solution here? We need a new second party, one less susceptible to lobbyists and private interest groups. We need a new party of progressives, populated by the common man/woman that has experience with struggle and deprivation - not millionaires that see the world bifurcated by crystal glasses. A party that plans a progressive future for America, with a focus on equality, justice and fairness. We must get rid of the corrupt Republicons. Its not really a choice, its our survival. So if you dont particularly like what the Republicons are doing to America and you, stop giving them power. If you think that the Democrats are not doing enough, give them a chance to accomplish their goals. And if you seek a new way, a better future, try thinking more progressively and take a little detour from what you know and march down a new road. This what democracy actually is: ever-changing, ever-better with fairness and justice for all. America has stagnated. Its mired in a what-was psychology and not in a what-can-be one. As far as Im concerned, looking at whats happened to America since George W. Bush raped it, I see the poor being deprived of food and basic necessities; the homeless denied roofs over their heads; the willing-to-work that cant find jobs because a political party sent them to China and now blockades the creation of new ones. I see a middle class that pays the taxes that finance America, but is getting less and less, while the rich get more and more and pay none. If this is the America you want to live in, by all means, re-elect your Republicon representatives. Even stupidity is, after all, a freedom. But if you want your country back you must take steps to stop being steamrolled by greedy, corrupt politicians and private interest groups that are purchasng not just your freedom but your safety and souls. Its amazing how distance gives a person such clarity. I never saw this coming until I left the country I love. Its your country to make or break, but for Gods sake, think about the cost in human lives to build it. So make a choice to surrender or take your country back, but for the love of God, make the right choice. America is at a crossroads and the signs are clear. Follow the right road. God bless America and right now we need His protection against hypocrites that pervent His word and call themselves Christians. The devil can appear in benevolent form. After all, Lucifer was Gods most beautiful angel. Look at your representatives and find the Lucifers among them that spout religion but conveniently forget Gods most important commandment. Thou shall not steal.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 09:58:05 +0000

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