Theres so many fun and easy ways to fundraise for charity and your - TopicsExpress


Theres so many fun and easy ways to fundraise for charity and your efforts will make a huge difference to the lives of the refugee and disadvantaged children we are working with in the Middle East! Here’s a few ideas to get you started! Dress Down: No one likes to get dressed up for work – frankly, we’d all love to be in our pyjamas! So why not hold a dress down day, and get everyone in the office to pay for the privilege of turning up in their joggers? Wax it! Persuade some male friends to have their legs or chest waxed! You wouldn’t believe how many people would pay to have a go at pulling off a strip for the sheer entertainment value of watching your ‘waxee’ squirm! Coppers, coppers, coppers: Empty your pockets of all your coppers at the end of each week and persuade your family and friends to do the same. It all adds up! Come Dine with Me: Why not show off your cooking skills by inviting your friends round for a tasty meal, for a small charge. Have a Night In: Get your girlfriends round for some nostalgia with a super slumber party! Grab some face masks, nail polish, films, ice cream and popcorn and charge a small entry fee. Have your cake and eat it too: Everyone loves cake. So why not bake your favourite cakes and sweet treats and sell them to your colleagues? Take advantage of that mid-afternoon slump to bring out the sugar! They’ll go mad for it! Head down to the car boot sale: One man’s rubbish is another man’s treasure! Gather up your unwanted clothes, toys, books and DVDs to sell, and de-clutter while you’re at it! Host a fancy dress party! Whatever the theme, there’s lots of fun to be had in fancy dress! Alternatively, why not take it to the office! Don your best cowboy costume and pass that collection bucket around! Take advantage of the summer while it’s here and fire up the barbeque! Invite family and friends, get some burgers, buns, sausages and sauces, grab a few beers and soft drinks and ask for a donation for the tasty food! Host a Quiz Evening: Get friends and family round, sort out some teams and get those trivia questions out! Boycott the Pub: Invite everyone over to your house and donate the beer money to us instead! Book Sale: Turn your old paperbacks into hard cash by holding a sale of all those old holiday page turners and unread classics gathering dust on your shelves. Who reads Tolstoy anyway? Obstacle Course: Why not set up an obstacle course in your garden and get everyone round for some childish fun! These are just a few ideas to get you thinking! The possibilities are endless; but even the simplest methods work. The key thing is to not be shy and to make it fun, and to really communicate the importance of what you’re doing and what it’s for! So get started today and challenge yourself to see just how much you can raise!
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 15:09:00 +0000

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