Theres so much fear-mongering and paranoia over Ebola going on - TopicsExpress


Theres so much fear-mongering and paranoia over Ebola going on right now that I felt inclined to write this. Our timelines are filled with many articles from non credible sources as well as major news outlets with clickbait headlines that people on social media continue to share. Our news isnt even about reporting news anymore, its about ad revenue and doing whatever it takes to get eyeballs on their pages. A lot of the conspiracy theory sites that are out there on Ebola, Fukishima, etc are created by people to drive traffic to their sites and generate ad revenue through impressions or offers on their pages and people share the information thinking its real not knowing its designed by an internet marketer to use fear to make money. I heard about a product today where someone rebranded vitamin c and called it Ebola C and hes selling 14,000 units a day since the beginning of October. It sucks that its like this now. Paranoia is unhealthy for a society. Im not saying to forget about Ebola, but factcheck before you share and realize that all these news outlets real or not make all their money from getting people to read their content and when people are afraid they want more and more info.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 02:34:45 +0000

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