These last couple of weeks have been crazy and as we approach the - TopicsExpress


These last couple of weeks have been crazy and as we approach the last couple of days (6 1/2, but whose counting..oh yeah, teachers) seem to be looking just as crazy. Most people that know me, know that I am not a crier, I never have been, some people may take that as being cold hearted or emotionless, but it is exactly the opposite, so today when I received an essay that one of my student athletes wrote, whether or not she knew I would ever see it I dont know, but it brought me to tears. I inspired her and make her want to be and do better and it touched my heart. Its true that if you can reach one it makes it all worthwhile, so I want to return the favor. My kids have been blessed with some of the most wonderful teachers that have taught them more then just academics. All 3 of them had Amy Christy Chaffin as their introduction to school and we were/are so blessed that they did. It was kindergarten that we really saw that Kenzie was having difficulties and Amys kind heart when having to tell us we should have her tested, and for that I will be eternally grateful! Melissa Lewis Richardson I hope you know how much I thank you for fighting for Kenzie all those years ago to make sure she got equal and fair. Jeri Harris and Beverly Hall Key thank you for pushing her to be her best, do her best and making sure that she knew how special she was and seeing her for who she was, not what she was diagnosed with! Kim Belleque Harmon, THANK YOU for showing her that middle school wasnt so scary, sharing her love of theater and encouraging her everyday that she could do more.Kim Smartt thank you for showing me that she is capable of anything and that she can do whatever she puts her mind too!! Pamela Harvey Way you were with her all 4 years and I thank you for always being a support and cheerleader for her. Peggy Johnson Patton, Ryan adores you. Thank you for making him learn how to hand write and how to work hard. I dont think you know just how much you impacted him. Holley Layne, thank you for making him get up and bust out the brown bag and tell the class about himself, even through the crying, he is okay in front of crowds now, just so you know!!! :) Tammy Hennessee Clayton, there are no words...I think he misses you most scarecrow. He grew so much with you that year (literal and figurative). You gave him a confidence that I would never have been able to give him. Maddy adores you, thank you for taking my little bookworm and helping her become a social butterfly. Paige Phillips Swanner you lucky lady you, you got both of them too!!! Thank you for making Ryan love math, for seeing the quiet giant and allowing him to discover who he was.Thank you for showing Maddy, that math wasnt something to be afraid of and that it was okay to ask questions (a life lesson she will carry forever) You make me want to fly!!. Krisy Stewart Evitts thank you for your silly songs that Maddy still uses and encouraging her to read and allowing her to be her free spirited self!! I adore you! Misty Holland Young, thank you for letting Ryan find that personality that he grew into with you. Thank you for making him realize why he loves math and that he is good at something. Thank you for always being an encouragement to not just him but all your students. Stacey Lund Smith, thank you for being passionate about language and passing that along to Ryan, i love that you are freely eccentric and enthusiastic and your students are better for it!! Robbie Somerville thank you for understanding a pre teen boy, because boy I dont think he would have made it otherwise. Thank you for taking a subject that he didnt like and making him appreciate the past...dont let the puppy eyes fool you!! :) Rebecca Brown, thank you for accepting his goofy self and making him better for it, he now likes science, just in case he tells you otherwise! Miranda Chapman, you got both my crazies too!! Thank you for making Ryan love science, thank you for always being a positive and pushing them to be better than even they knew possible. Thank you for encouraging Maddy to be her quirky little self. Tiffany Nutter, thank you for sharing your passion for social studies with Maddy and encouraging her to keep her mind open. Stephanie Marak Merriman thank you for encouraging Maddy to read and read more, thank you for allowing Maddy to be a free spirit and to know that she can do whatever she sets her mind to. Thank you for giving Ryan that push when he didnt really want to be pushed and making him realize that he CAN, because if you believe, so does he. Not only have my kids been lucky and blessed enough to have these teachers, but I have been blessed to have worked with most of them and call them friends. I know that you dont hear it enough from parents, so I wanted you all to know that you have made a difference in the lives of each one of my children and for that I will be eternally grateful.....
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 22:12:06 +0000

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