These poll results do not reflect well on the Government. Most - TopicsExpress


These poll results do not reflect well on the Government. Most respondents dont trust the Government. They believe it has not been truthful about MH370. Merdeka Centre Director Ibrahim Suffian is right in saying, The results of the survey are reflective of whats on the publics minds. It might not be reflective of the truth, perhaps, but it is reflective of their perception, driven by the sources of their information. Perception is what its all about. The Government has given us cause to perceive that it is not telling the truth. It might even be hiding things from us. For example, why hasnt the planes cargo manifest been released? The Government even refused to release the manifest to the Australian search team for whom knowledge of what the plane carried would have been helpful if they spotted debris in the ocean. So, whats the truth? Is the Government hiding anything about MH370 or has it come clean all the way? What do you think?
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 05:48:01 +0000

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