These two photos are very significant to me this early Wednesday - TopicsExpress


These two photos are very significant to me this early Wednesday morning. After just leaving Polo Jones house from a band meeting, I chose to do a couple of things. First, is that I have a deadline on a song, for a VERY good friend Ive made here on yes, Ill say it, Facebook. Okay, I admit, its a great place and its been a life line for me. Before I continue, please see the picture of my playing what is now my favorite guitar. Its Gibson guitar, custom made for Keith Richard of the Rolling Stones. He gave it to Polo, and I must have it, the very least, I must record with this. Its an amazing guitar, even without Keiths mojo. I chose to pair these two pictures together because this second picture was sort of taken, as a result of me having such a great band meeting in preparation for out gig with Bobby Kimball on September 15th. Shameless plug, I know but please see my event page at https://facebook/events/571816302936544/. Now, heres where this next picture comes in. I had such a positive and inspiring meeting, meeting all my core band members, that I did something I have not done since I accidentally pulled into this left turn lane. You see, three years ago, I was in this same lane, coming home from the San Jose AIrport after taking my wife and son to catch a plane to NY. I was staying home as I was just coming back from a gig at my friends house. It was the first gig I played in years because I had basically given up the idea that I could still perform as a guitarist and singer. I had previously had four major spine surgeries and had been hooked on pain killers for years. When this happened to me, I was finally of the medications and I was on my way to think about playing again, after a great time at my old friends party. I took this turn that night. There was no one on the road except for the limousine carrying my neighbor in the left hand lane inside my turn lane. Ahead, I remember those moments really well. I looked across the corner of Montague and South Main street, posed to make my left turn over Montague, and I saw two cars stopped across traffic, with a lane in between them open. No other cars were present. The light turned green and I took the left along with the limousine next to me on the inside lane. As I turned something hit me hard and I caromed off the impact into the limousine and we were tossed across the road. I never felt an airbag hit me but when I came to there was smoke everywhere and I could hear groaning outside my smashed car. My Camry was totally demolished, except for the engine compartment and my drivers side. The air bag saved my life and destroyed all my music. It was only the other day, that I started to remember my favorite song Howlin Wolf did, Shake it for me Baby. I literally could not remember a song I played hundreds of times before. This month signifies some major accomplishments and in true Rant Race form, I am going to list them in a Top Ten list of obstacles overcome these last 10 years. 10) Returned to the living and started to understand how society works again. 9) Became mobile, and started driving to places other than grocery stores, pain clinics, hospitals and pharmacies. 8...Made a ton of friends, like Paul Toscano, a truly cool and talented man, who puts up with my ribbing cause hes a great person. 7) I actually started to like my life again, and learned how to be more than just a burden to my family. 6) I found out that there are thousands of people, maybe millions, who have either reached out to me in friendship, in support or in simply kindness. I thought that type of person didnt exist anymore. 5) I proved to myself and my family that I have what it takes to be proud of the things I do for my, for my family, and for others. 4) I found out that Im actually worth a hell of a lot more that I thought I was worth. I guess as an antique collectable, Im probably worth a few extra bucks. 3) I made tons of friends I never knew existed out in my own area, all talented, all unique and all wonderful, independent and mutually cooperative in our music scene. We have one hell of an ecosystem here and we need to nurture it. GET INVOLVED! ;-) 2) I regained my ability to not only play, write and arrange music, recordings, and most business aspects of this arena that I never knew how to do before. I was too scared and Im not frightened anymore. 1) I have an incredible opportunity to have a great jam in Fremont, play a HUGE concert with my friends Bobby Kimball, Polo Jones, Mike Vanderhule, Rick Feliciano, and all the other cool guys I met tonight. We are going to have ONE HELL OF A SHOW! Please come out, listen for us on KFOX and please do one thing: Do something nice for someone you probably never felt like doing something nice for. You may be really surprised at what you may get back. I good friend and recent mentor of mine told me something once: What we know, no matter how much we know, is only a minor...MINOR piece of what is out there to know. Please consider this when you form an opinion about someone, especially an artist who is trying to be unique or different than the rest. These are the people who can change history. BE NICE TO PEOPLE and OTHER LIVING THINGS. Its just kind of stupid to do something different that that, at least it is IMHO. God bless all my friends, my family and musical family and THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. 10)
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 08:30:21 +0000

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