They Maintain that all Claims Refuting Evolution are - TopicsExpress


They Maintain that all Claims Refuting Evolution are Unscientific We have been discussing how Darwinists try to give the impression of being scientific by using scientific formulae and terminology and have thus deceived large numbers of people by means of such psychological conditioning. A second fraudulent tactic that Darwinists resort to in this context is the (deceptive) defense mechanism of suggesting that opponents of Darwinism are unscientific. Because he knows he will inevitably come off for the worse, a Darwinist will never publicly debate a proponent of creation, and will justify this attitude by saying that “... the proper environment for a scientific debate has not been established.” But this is merely defeatism and an easy way out. Of course they will not want to engage in such a debate, because they know they will lose and end up humiliated. Instead, they hide behind the idea of being scientific in their search for ways to avoid such encounters. But the fact is that it is only the supporters of Creation that have produced scientific evidence. No Darwinist has ever been able to produce even a single piece of scientific evidence, nor is it possible for any Darwinist ever to do so. But the scientific evidence refuting evolution that he sees during the course of any debate will cause him enormous distress. He will see genuine fossils, and the frauds of evolution will be exposed, and the simple fact that evolutionists are unable to account for how even a single protein could have come about by chance will be revealed for all to see. Such a defeat is intolerable for Darwinists. That is why they hide behind all these very familiar psychological defense mechanisms and accuse the other side of being unscientific. Call to Richard Dawkins Mr. Adnan Oktar has time and again reiterated his invitation to the atheist and Darwinist Richard Dawkins for a face-to-face encounter. He even placed a notice in the eminent British daily The Times for that purpose. The only reason why Dawkins avoids such a debate is without doubt the fact that he is only too well aware that his claim will completely collapse in the face of the scientific evidence he sees in Mr. Oktar’s works. From the 13 October, 2009, issue of the Times, Great Britain This fact must be always borne in mind: Darwinists possess not so much as one single piece of scientific evidence. All they have is demagoguery, lies, false accusations, aggression, psychological conditioning, hoax fossils and abundant specious scientific terminology. They way they claim to be “scientific” is one of the century’s most astonishing phenomena. This shows the worldwide scale of the Darwinist deception. A deception that is constantly rebutted by scientific evidence, and that not even children attach any credence to, has adopted science as a protective shield. Therefore, one must always bear in mind that a Darwinist who espouses evolution in the name of science and simultaneously refuses to have any dealings with proponents of Creation because they arent scientific is engaging in a huge deception. Science is in actual fact Darwinists’ greatest foe. Because the more they turn their backs on science, the more the scientific facts keep annihilating evolution.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Feb 2014 20:32:28 +0000

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