They all said you got AIDS and died... Or just have AIDS so they - TopicsExpress


They all said you got AIDS and died... Or just have AIDS so they kicked you out of this bar... Because this guy named something African posted trust me he had AIDS hes not this Italian guy lifestyle he dated black men and hes sick... And I was a call from that perspective I hope micharl.. And if these people in our community days you have aids then I cant be there while you disintegrated some friendship I believe I was gay and not a none doctor. Ive told you from a lesbian perspective dont sleep with these men... You know... The only person you might be able to reach now is John... But she has a wheelchair theory for something else.... Which is the bone deformity that mothers been telling me about. If you tell people your disabled before your gay... Thats fine.. Its just that your dead now to men... And women... And if your accusations were that its because of your illness... Consider hospital with your social security which you have right now you dont want to be listening to gwen Stefano while one of your four hundred Friends is just a wife to somebody right now and youre considered in her community with Brody as a gay male... And if theres life after that death and your vanishing point is a whisper of disintegration again.... From some output.. I dont know what to tell you... They were always there... These girls were always there at apex... Where I met you.... As a bull common lesbian who worked hard for a spiritual marriage to Deborah Ryan.. Whats wrong with finding another Italian named individual who can help you.... Whats so familiar about my life right now... Im against everything you are. Being considered doctorate or whatever. And me typing this while your probably here weakening your scoliosis is even a less concern... Catherine has depression.... Sometimes.... And I want to be there for her because shes like my mother you know. Sometimes what I go through in life is because of her.... And your right now is a Washington post call because people labeled you as gay with an uprooting of gay new action.... A trend in my own life from the original bar the phase.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 14:32:19 +0000

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