They said it would be like this in the NICU. Changes from day to - TopicsExpress


They said it would be like this in the NICU. Changes from day to day, even hour to hour. So true. Our 4-week old baby Journey Rose is having surgery tomorrow. Thankfully, God is not surprised or scared. Hes not worried or confused. Our girl is so loved by him and He has heard all of our prayers. We can have peace and trust him with this next step. And we can thank him for being her greatest protector. So grateful. The surgery is tomorrow at 1pm and theyll close her PDA. Though shes very strong, stable and asymptomatic in every other way, the open PDA is causing fluid to build up in her lungs, and quickly. So due to the significance of that decline, noticed in todays test results, her doctors and the heart surgeons met and feel its best to deal with this now, with the surgery. Its a benign surgery and should only last 1-2 hours. Risks do include infection, bleeding, other damage to areas near the heart. We ask for prayer for protection. Her surgeon is the chief of surgery (the top surgeon) at a nearby very well-respected hospital (known for dealing with micro-preemies). It was possible that she wouldve had the surgery at his hospital vs. the one were currently at here in Santa Monica. We wanted whatever was best for her, but ultimately its the surgeons decision. Well, after being told wed likely have to transfer, he decided today to bring his pediatric anesthesiologist and do it at the OR in our current hospital! So, no ambulance transfer for our baby girl. And shell be able to recover with nurses and doctors who know her. So grateful. These are just a few of our praises. We both have an unusual, surreal, amazing sense of peace about this situation, knowing they did all they could do with the 3 rounds of medicine to try to close it off. Her doctor told me today that Journeys been so stable the last few days (another 2-hour skin time with me today!), and is doing so very well, that its hard to call for the surgery. But she added that this stability and strength bodes well for her going into surgery. And they just dont want her to get worse. It just has to be done. So tomorrow morning shell be *re-intubated (breathing tube) before surgery, brought to stability, and then go to the OR. *Our prayer is that the tube will be removed again soon, so we can get back to daily mommy skin-to-skin time, increased milk intake, strength, weight, growth, and then in a few months bring our baby home. We bought her crib and some curtains yesterday - we are so ready. :) Heres a video of her after her mommy-time today...she loves her pacifier. Just look at her!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 03:01:20 +0000

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