Thick as mince. No other way to explain her politics. Her tax - TopicsExpress


Thick as mince. No other way to explain her politics. Her tax powers in Scotland would only mean we pay more in Scotland putting us at a competitive disadvantage with England making us poorer and reliant on Westminster. She believes we should not be able to have a lower tax rate than England. In case we attract too many jobs and investment in Scotland which might give us ideas above our station. Cant have that! What if England wants to raise taxes? it would mean the Scottish government would be powerless to prevent the tax rise in Scotland. This is not a new power! Its not even a good power! the ONLY way we can have full control over our taxes and all other economic levers is if we have Independence. There is nothing good going to come our way from Westminster. Nothing good ever. This is the astonished woman that says the electoral process is too complicated for Scottish people to understand, that Scottish people are not genetically programmed to make political decisions . That may true... In her case! Not mine. All the promises they throw and new powers is a load of tosh. Put it this way... Why have some powers (if youre lucky you might get the mystery prize or it might be the wooden spoon) or have all powers by voting YES. Like Margo said, we have been taught to believe we are not good enough. If you vote NO thats what you are saying. Well be stuck with gobshites like Johann, Cameron, Rennie, Milliband, Cameron, Boris running our affairs. We are good enough. I want my children to grow up in a society that believes they are good enough and we good enough. If you cant see that and you dont believe in us please step aside and let the rest of us who do believe get the job done. If you are a hopeless negative No voter - Get oot ma road! Weve work to dae! We are going to build a better county.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 10:32:23 +0000

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