Things that LGBT people should learn from history and the civil - TopicsExpress


Things that LGBT people should learn from history and the civil rights movement that are relevant RIGHT NOW: 1) We matter, we deserve the same rights, and protections that others have. Do not let people tell you that what you have is good enough, or that you can have less than others and should be happy with that. 2) We need our allies, we will only achieve equality through using the power of our voice. Tell your stories and change the hearts and minds of people who dont know you. 3) We have to stop infighting in our own community. This is never a claim to fame, a chip on our shoulder or a fight about approach. This is about every one of our responsibilities to change the hearts and minds of people and demand equality. We can do it through courts, through telling stories, through elections, but we just have to do it. 4) No matter how exhausting it is, we must never stop, never give up. There was a time when I was not allowed to serve the Country I love openly, I had to lie. My marriage is STILL not legal in the state I live in. Right now, I cannot be buried with Joshua when I die, we could spend our entire lives together and not BE ALLOWED to be buried together. Right now, If something horrible happened to him, I have no protection in a hospital to make decisions, or maybe even see him. And when we have children, we would have to decide which of us would have the legal rights to take care of our child. 5) Do not get comfortable. Dont think this is someone elses fight. You can sit back and watch, or you can GET INVOLVED. This April, 9 living, breathing human beings (none of whom are gay) are going to decide our fate through the legislative process. You can wait until April, and then the ruling in June, or you can get out there and tell your story, organize a march, make a statement. Raise awareness... it matters, and it changes history. We must not stop, we need to take the examples of the leaders who have given up their lives before us to fight that all men are created equal with the right to live, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 18:36:54 +0000

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