Things that lower your vibration/frequency and keep them - TopicsExpress


Things that lower your vibration/frequency and keep them low. 1. Artificial positive=a form of denial= A weakness disguised as strength. Better to accept the weakness and work on it than to constantly deny it or mask it. 2. Self illusion=illusions within oneself that can project outward as others weakness. Displacing your weakness as others. They can be in plain sight or in blind spots. 3. Too attached to a damaging obsession even though you know it is not good for you. Cannot let it go when you know you know youre obsessed. 4. Artificial fear= uncontrollable thoughts and emotional of fear that over power you causing shock to the body, weakening it, weakening the immune system, and cause chaos to balance. These artificial fear can be self-installed or installed by others. They can be subliminal or direct. 5. Oppressive thoughts and actions toward others: people or animals. Thoughts/actions of harm or destructive where others suffer unnecessarily. We all have one or more of these now or in the past. When you have located them, transmuting them changes your characters, strengthen your core, deepen your root and transform you. Once they are transmuted, your v/f rises tremendously, your energy clears up, and you function as a master, maybe a novice master, nevertheless, a master. Be the master you were meant to Ascended Master. Step outside that comfort zone and expand yourself. Stay Strong And keep Ascending....
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 03:55:47 +0000

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