Thinking back having all these memory all the good & bad time the - TopicsExpress


Thinking back having all these memory all the good & bad time the hard times the easy time, times of fighting time of peace, love places thats been passed thru spaces thats been filled ideas mistakes choices tears laughter smiles kisses hugs handshakes fist bumping high fives beach vibes bushvelts high mountain rocky roads caves at sea cliffs under ground tunnels thick gloomy forests and every where our feet have touch this earth! We will not be forgotten we have made history and we are still busy the future has recognised us thru our actions our courage and so we stand at the start of our road ahead with the knowledge we have gained the thought of what could go wrong and what knowledge to apply when we fall or when we bump our heads... But we know or we will learn to fall again and stand up again for so many time we wished not to know or not to want that same fallen feeling that same getting up off the ground feeling. For so many people that have not so many that will still and so many that have already we to will know and we to will get up with the courage in us as fuel... for that will be how we learn how we grow... This is true peace this is finding one self to grow to your most highest level that will set ones mind free of the shackle and chain... For no man woman or child must be ruled or caged but man woman and child should have faith should believe in ones maker so that no cage shackle or chain could bind us to the UNGODLY nature we are born into! We are not born free we are not born without fault... But we are born with the choice to follow the road to freedom and salvation! We as human are made to protect our own well being we are born with that instinct and not just our self but the ones we reach our harts out to that does not take it for granted but cherishs it like its their own. All will reach the heavenly gates just make sure ones soul and hart will make the right choice to repent and asked GOD (The maker) for your pass in thru the gates... Say thank you to JESUS (The son and saviour) for the many clean slates we all have been blessed with and believe in the HOLY GHOST (The protector) for the HOLY GHOST is the define soul purpose of the HOLY TRINITY... Mind hart soul, soul hart mind, hart soul mind... (TRINITY) SELF EXPLANATORY ;) Its not about u it is u (A Unique key) Its not about me it is me (A Different Unique Key) Its not about her it is her (Another Key Unique In Its Own Way) Its not about him it is him (A Key Unique As The Next But Different As Any Other) While still in this time and space the unknown will stay as its suppose to the knowledge will stay and grow as we are suppose to till the end of days... Still we fear that what we should embrace (Time) We think its our enemy its seems like it proofs itself to be BUT when really its just us making the mistake of shaping it into a unknown fear we could not ever understand or control! Thus we will always look back we will always remember the good&bad times the spaces that we filled the places we have passed thru... (Time) Its really not the enemy its (A type) a certain friend that walks with us not the only one but one within a group of fictional as well as cereal energies higher energies that we could never hope to control we would never seem to understand... This, it, they or however u want to see these energies as they are around us following us helping us moving in front of us showing guiding pulling us into direction we know nothing of where we have to choose and make the right decisions into the right directions, directions that we know nothing about... (Fear) Should we fear things thats unknown to us or should we embrace it with a hint of caution... (Inevitable) We will take the wrong road make that wrong decision! (Human Nature) We are bound to dwell of the path we journey on... Even tho we know its the wrong path to dwell on to. Even tho we find out later down this path we chose the wrong path to dwell on we still carry on for the simple fact that we (Fear) dont want to turn back and waste valuable time we dont have... Hahahaha...! LOL!!! No! No! No! We are not wasting time we are looking and finding excuses! Why...? 1.(pride) Dont know how to say sorry! To say they were wrong and admit to others that they should have listened... 2.(Fear) Always part of the package! 3.(Easier) To carry on is so much easier then turning back around they figure they have made it this far and think (without really thinking about it) that how much worst can it get! (THINKING... Pending... Pending... NO THINKING FOUND!!! ERROR...!) So they carry on dwelling down this path and sooner then later its knee-deep (again) right in the S#*T! And then u dont know how to handle the situation so the depth of the SHIT starts to ferry... Higher and higher then u catch your breath and u start to relax and then this feeling of relief calms u down coz human nature kicks in and automatically thinks its getting better en easier so u let your guard down and weird enough its gets better and u feel a smile coming on then u carry on and around the corner without any warning BAM! Right in the face knee-deep same situation that unfriendly sinking feeling flowing up towards your nick line and a muddling confusion leading to loosing that last needed drop of focus! 4.(Back Saddling) -Back Saddling- Riding on sum one elses back till u out of the shit u started and off the path u chose doesnt matter if u almost drowned this kind hearted helpful person that got u outa this mess u created for yourself in that knee-deep S#*T that u were suppose to clean up and dispose of and still u look down on this person and turn your BACK - SADDLING - UNGRATEFUL - ASS on them with NO shame and without effort! ________________ We do sumtimes take the wrong path. Sumtimes for a reason and other times by accident but sumtimes we do knowingly head down that path coz u use caution and hopefully sum knowledge of how to handle and turn a bad situation into a green light benefiting opportunity for yourself and by taking these side paths willingly or by accident u should know and always remember and at least be prepared or be in sum way clued up how to walk or dwell down a path of life with bumps and thorns going up and down getting distracted on the may with your pants on your knees! Thats why having sum form of preparation at use when need be is like a very imported fact of life and sumthing that u should have in your back pocket! We will fall and fall and fall till the end of time or yours. Its a part of our way in life its how we learn grow its how we survive how we have survived since maybe the beginning or maybe a bit after the beginning but who knows and who cares why worry why stress yourself out take a breather and stop and check out whats around u the beauty that we have received and what we have been blessed with! Thats how we relieve our stress how we clear our minds! Nice gentle piece of mind and its free...! Its ours forever but at least we need to look after what we have been given and blessed with! Not poison it not where it out not destroy it coz after all... What happens to all of us not just the poor not just the middle classed people and I bet it does include maybe not all but maybe-85%-66%-39% of all the wealthiest people and then just the average rich people... So after we all have ripped this planet a new one and poisoned the hell out of it and used all of its resources till the very last drop... What then? Where 2? And who gets left behind mmm...??? To suffer??? But like I said at the beginning we have made our history and we still are and the future is taking note of us thru our actions and searching for these with the courage... Where do we make the stand!
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 13:54:37 +0000

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