Thirty five years ago today Shannon was born. It is interesting - TopicsExpress


Thirty five years ago today Shannon was born. It is interesting how you remember what happened on “the day”. We had picked mom up at the airport. We were stationed in Virginia at the time. The menu for the evening was Rhineland Valley Stew. As I was fixing supper, I kept sitting down. After all I was nine months pregnant and felt like an elephant. Mom commented that I was sitting down about every 10 minutes and maybe I was in labor. Oh no I assured the mother of four – this is nothing like when I was in labor with Pat. I understand now she did not want to deliver her grandbaby in the middle of the kitchen floor. (Back in the day we did not know until the baby arrived if it was a girl or a boy. People guessed because of the baby’s heart rate or some trick with a needle and thread.) Anyway, we were in military quarters and the kitchen did see small for such a task. Finally, mom and Bob told me to go to the hospital. So we did. Man things moved fast once I got there. I was in labor --- like toward the end. They told Bob to get on his Ben Casey outfit (for those of you who do not know Ben Casey was a doctor show waaaay back when). Bob took his time because after all it took Pat over 20 hours to get here. Bob had plenty of time. When he came out from getting dressed I was gone……I was being rushed down the hall to the delivery room, Bob was running behind, and someone was yelling don’t push. Well, Shannon was in a hurry and entered this world really fast. She was the first girl born in the McCleskey family in 97 years. I can still hear Bob’s dad hollering over the phone when we called to say it was a girl. He was so excited. We even had our picture in the post newspaper a few days later!!! I just wish she could have stayed here longer than 18 years. I do miss her. I wonder how many children she would have…what she would be like…all those things a parent wonders when they lose a child. BUT today was a happy day 35 years ago. My girl had arrived.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 17:46:04 +0000

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