This Bobcat was looking at something in the tree and then sat down - TopicsExpress


This Bobcat was looking at something in the tree and then sat down for a break before scampering off as I stumbled up on it in the mountains of East Tennessee... The Bobcat which is a stealthy hunter aided by keen eyesight, hearing, and a well developed sense of smell, is the most common and widely distributed wildcat in North America. Habitat: Bobcats occur in a variety of habitats, but they prefer heavily forested areas with thick underbrush. They also occur in timbered swamps; farmland; scrubland; and rocky terrain such as glades, bluffs, and rocky outcrops. Maternity dens are made of dry leaves and moss and usually located under fallen tree, in hollow log, or in rock shelter Diet: The majority of food is small mammals, including rabbits, mice, rats, squirrels, and shrews. They will also occasionally eat deer, turkey, snakes, domestic cats, and grass. Please come visit us at https://facebook/JandGPhotos?ref=hl to see more bears, deer, other wildlife, landscape and waterfalls. Be sure to like our page to get all the latest updated photos!
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 03:30:56 +0000

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