This Month for you according to your zodiac sign: Aries: It’s - TopicsExpress


This Month for you according to your zodiac sign: Aries: It’s not a time to take things at face value. Things are not always the way they seem. Be careful of who you trust and how much information needs to given out to whom. Someone may surprise you by betraying you, and this someone may be a person you have full faith on. So be careful! Also you need to concentrate and be fully focused on whatever is demanding your attention, to produce the desired results .A time to be tactful, evasive and politically correct! Taurus: You may be subject to mood swings and may oscillate between confusion and depression. Things definitely are not the way they seem. It may be due to the cyclical nature of things and in health related issues there could be some hormonal imbalances. Essentially, you have to rely only on yourself and your instincts to see yourself through. Rely on messages in the form of dreams and other signals. Gemini: “Everything in moderation, nothing in excess” This is a good axiom to follow. There is a very fine line that separates dark from light, ambition from greed, luxury from lust. It’s time to look into your relationships, habits and situations. You need to identify what is unhealthy and take positive steps to overcome it. Time for being proactive and not submitting to fear and change. Cancer: You are well set on your path towards your goal. You can see the accomplishment at arm’s length…you are almost there…soon there will be cause for celebration. Also, life is about the journey and not the destination. Enjoy the experiences along the way instead of being blindly focused on the goal. If you are house hunting, you will find your dream house. Spend quality time with your family. Leo: It would be wiser to check and cross check things. It may slow down the process but the going would be steady and you can avoid unpleasant surprises along the way. Dedicated and steadfastness are the qualities that will lead you to the accomplishment of what you desire. Do not procrastinate to the point of inaction. Even though you may not be sure, Now seems the right time to make that move…take the plunge!!! Virgo: Be ready to be surprised by certain turn of events. Take advantage of the situation energetically and swiftly. The plans that you have made need to be implemented swiftly with determination and confidence. Move ahead with speed, albeit cautiously. Libra: You have to understand that, difficult though it may be, sometimes you HAVE to let go of certain things/people/situations. Holding on to them just make you more miserable. Sometimes moving away from your problems is the only way to solve them. Gracefully move away and once you are unhindered, you can look forward to better times in your life. Scorpio: You may experience some disagreements and differences of opinions with the people around you. Even though you may be able to get the upper hand, do be careful. In winning the argument, you may lose a relationship. Ask yourself how important then, is it for you to be “right”. It’s a very fine line that you have to walk carefully. You have to protect yourself at the same time without creating a negative atmosphere. Sagittarius: There is need for a softer approach to things. At times, the demand is to think from the “heart”. This is one of those times. Be compassionate. To others. And to yourself. Go by the gut feeling. And if you feel that life has become too mundane and clockwork like…you need to explore how to express your inner creativity. Take on a sport or hobby that you enjoy. Pen that poem and brush the dust of your musical instrument / bike. Capricorn: There are times in life when you must essentially find the solutions on your own. This time round you have to face the challenges depending on your own wisdom. Read up. Find out. Get data. But analyze and arrive at your own conclusions. Spend time only with likeminded people to forward yourself in life. Aquarius: Sometimes in life, we are just too bored with a certain scenario. Or just too disappointed with the way things are. Or just too focused on how things should be!! In the process we lose out on the beauty of things that ARE! We forget to appreciate them because we are running after a wishful fantasy! In the process we also lose out on many opportunities and boons that are presented to us by life .Wake up. Stop dreaming .And see and enjoy the bounty that you do Have. Pisces: How long can you keep being nice” and keep compromising yourself? It’s time to put your foot down and clarify your stand. It’s the time to be independent and think of yourself. In the face of challenges and opposition you need to be courageous and confident to protect what is rightfully yours .Defend your argument, support your point of view and do it with finesse.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 17:46:17 +0000

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