This Sinhala-speaking woman beating man allegedly occurred in - TopicsExpress


This Sinhala-speaking woman beating man allegedly occurred in Wariyapola, Sri Lanka. As far as I understand the language, the man in red t-shirt used some unhealthy language at the woman who beats the man. I am not sure this incident really took place or not. It could have been well staged because there was on-the spot camera group and other suspecting conditions here. Whatever it is, the fact is that theres trend of men insulting women in Sri Lanka as elsewhere including in the US and China. But in this clip there are some disturbing trends. One of them is: the woman keeps hitting the man who has tendered an apology to woman. Feminism doesnt anyway mean to act aggressively beyond the norms of decent practices. What the man allegedly said to her should not be justified, but theres conditions for forgiveness in any conflict after aggressors offered an apology. If I was her, I would not react the way she did to the guy who had used foul language at me, I would not even behave the way she did if an aggressive woman insulted me. Theres way to seek solutions for any conflicts. In many circumstance, aggressive approaches may not help seek better solutions rather such practices would aggravate tension. https://facebook/photo.php?v=1545806298976364&set=vb.100006410252347&type=2&theater
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 00:41:54 +0000

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