This article, Facebook Status: Social Media Baby Boom, is the - TopicsExpress


This article, Facebook Status: Social Media Baby Boom, is the Giving Away your Baby This article, Facebook Status: Social Media Baby Boom, kind of stuff fairy tales are made of . . . Infertile couple desperately wants a child to call their own, vulnerable, pregnant mother sees their profile on Facebook, gives birth and hands her baby away to infertile couple and everyone rides off happily ever after into the sunset. Doesn’t it give you the warm, fuzzy feeling to know, with social media, babies are becoming less and less human and more and more the desired product of infertile couples seeking to satisfy their desires for a family? Isn’t it a great reason to celebrate . . . children being degraded to meaning so little. Their innocent lives nothing more than a transaction on Facebook. They are, after all, just babies. Big, gooey blobs of chubbiness and drool, perfect for the taking from their family for the satisfaction of the strangers who desire them. Why should any one of us care if the mother was caught in a desperate, vulnerable state? Perhaps denied the help and support needed to keep her baby. I mean, really, it’s just that chubby drooling thing anyhow, why waste any time in trying first to see if there is any way to a save them from the loss of their family. And honestly, really, look how desperately the couple wanted a baby . . . any baby. They were even willing to go to Facebook to get what they wanted. That has to count more than, perhaps, counseling them to make sure they are adopting because they truly want to help a child in need and not because of some desperate attempt to heal their infertility or selfish desire to do whatever it takes, no matter the cost – even to an innocent baby – to claim the family they want. Like I said . . . the kind of stuff fairly tales are made of. The sad fact, the harsh reality, is, in the practice of Domestic Infant Adoption, a child’s worth MUST first be degraded. They MUST make that change from cherished, loved human being to product desired, or else there would be no infants available for all the infertile couples who are in such competition for the child they want, they go to Facebook to find their satisfaction without a second thought to just how disgusting such an act truly is - - Hey, we wanted a baby so much, and your First Mother loved you so much, we all went to Facebook to trade you. Aren’t you grateful? Contrary to what so many believe, the options counseling vulnerable, pregnant mothers go through is NOT about the importance of their unborn child. It is, instead, a careful process to get them to see their child as unimportant, nothing more than a product they have that can be gifted away to strangers. It’s never about the precious gift the unborn child is to their OWN family. In fact, any such thoughts are not only discouraged but outright denied. Instead, the conversation is about the burden an unborn child would place on their own family. Their own flesh and blood. Vulnerable, pregnant mothers are encouraged to believe that their child is so unworthy that family members who are offering to help don’t really mean it in earnest and will, more than likely, turn their backs on them in the end. They are encouraged to deny the father’s rights because the baby they are carrying just isn’t good enough, really, for the dad to actually love him or her enough to give them the very best life they possibly can. Their child really isn’t worth that much. They aren’t important enough or worthy enough to stay within their family. They’d just be the burdens, responsibilities, everyone would end up resenting in the end. The adoption industry has to, IT MUST, chip away, piece by piece, at any thoughts of a child being precious enough to fight for, keep within their own family, change a life for. They have to destroy such ideas, reduce the unborn babies to nothing more than burdens to be taken care of, products to be given away. It is the ONLY way they can keep their multi-billion dollar industry going. Even for the “gift” given to an infertile couple, it’s still not about the importance of one, certain child, it’s about ANY child. Whichever baby . . . a.k.a opportunity . . . comes along to satisfy their desires. It could be little Joey from this expectant mom or tiny Jody from that one. It’s not the baby itself so important to them, it’s the satisfaction of a need being fulfilled. Even in that article. In what you hear day in and day out through our media, the importance of the baby is diminished so that the desires of the infertile couple can be what shines through, making them deserving of the gift of a human being. Good and right for using social media to have their needs satisfied. For taking a newborn child from her family because they wanted a family of their own. If that innocent, baby girl in the article had mattered, if any child in the process of Domestic Infant Adoption mattered, the story would have been much different. There would have been disgust that anyone would reduce a child’s worth to some transaction on Facebook. The reporter would have cared more about the loss the child had suffered, losing her entire family, instead of focusing on the multiple infertility treatments the couple had gone through. Attention would have been placed on how every child deserves to have their family fight for them not on how infertile couples might find quicker and cheaper adoptions. Every single child born into this world deserves to be important enough, worthy enough, for their family to make sure they are never lost. They deserve mothers and fathers who will fight, push and shove every boundary, make whatever change possible, to provide the very best they can for their little one. They deserve the comfort of knowing they matter enough that their own family will do whatever it takes not to lose them, not to have them be given away to others. But for every time we support stories such as this. For every moment we spend supporting what adoption has become – providing infants for couples who desire them. For every instance we support the deception in getting around Father’s rights, denying extended family any chance to keep, love and raise one of their own, we diminish everything children are worth. We take away their importance and allow them to become nothing more than a product to be sold. Every child should matter. Every child should be important enough to be fought for, spared the terrible loss of their family. Because they are more than just chubby, bundles of drool. They are wonderful, living, loving human beings who deserve the very best we can give them. Who deserve better than to be nothing more than a product given away through Facebook. by Cassie on Adoption Truth blog
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 16:27:08 +0000

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