This article estimates that there are 27 million people living in - TopicsExpress


This article estimates that there are 27 million people living in slavery. Of course that isnt true. One half of all people alive today (3.6 BILLION) earn less than $2.5 a day. So at least 3.6 BILLION people are slaves. They are forced to trade their labor and lives for nothing or die. And the system has been DESIGNED to prevent them from improving their circumstances. This number has been constant for a very long time. Yet we living in age where the productivity gains from technology should enable every human on planet earth to lead a middle class life style. Instead a system derived from the collusion of governments and corporations has deliberately prevented and perpetuated this slavery. If it were possible for the 3.6 billion slaves to improve their lot, this number should have rapidly declined over the last 100 years, but it has not. Today the gap between the very rich and the desperately enslaved poor IS INCREASING not diminishing. Human nature is not going to change so the evil tendency of the ultra rich to ignore the plight of their brothers and sisters is not going to change. What enables this evil is government. Only when government is abolished or severely restricted will it be possible to free the majority of humanity from slavery. How can this be done? The answer is in empowering the 3.6 billion slaves with the means to live middle class lives independent of the government and the grid. If the 3.6 billion slaves became strong, educated and comfortable without dependence upon the government or government controlled utilities they would not tolerate paying taxes or having their freedoms taken. One way to accomplish this (and there are many) would be to enable some of the 3.6 billion slaves to become off-the-grid (solar power / atmospheric water) contract organic aquaponics micro farmers. A contract farmer is one that makes enough food to feed themselves well and then contracts to sell the surplus to one or more competing food processors / distributors.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 09:21:40 +0000

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