This article from Joel Joseph would make a great Sunday School - TopicsExpress


This article from Joel Joseph would make a great Sunday School lesson. I have learned so much from this ministry. The miracle of Barabbas: Barabbas was due to be crucified as a criminal. His name means “son of his father”. And who was his father? Who is the father of thieves, murderers and criminals? Of course it is ultimately Satan, but the fallen nature of man is carried in the blood of Adam. So, Satan is the spiritual father and Adam the natural father of all rebellion and sin. We know the story. Barabbas was released and our Lord was crucified in his place. The miracle here is that it was our Messiah who paid the price for all sin. Barabbas himself had the price for all his sins paid for. We don’t know if he accepted it or not, but we do know that another criminal on a cross cried out for salvation and received it, while the other did nothing, in essence trusting on himself to be saved. Our Lord paid the price for all who were born of their father Adam! John 18:40 “Give us Barabbas” was the tragic cry and still is today. This is what modern man wants. It is the freedom to live in sin- unrestricted, and un-judged, avoiding the cross. “Give us Barabbas” is the cry of the New World Order crowd. It is the cry of all humanists. “No cross for us” they say let us live in our sin unrestricted. Unfortunately the modern sin-filled world, in “getting Barabbas” will get hell. The miracle of the release of Barabbas brought us all salvation, but the tragedy of those who do not accept and receive it is that they are one with Barabbas and his father Adam and Satan. The most tragic cry of all, uttered by the Jews, took place just before our Lord was crucified as they demanded the release of Barabbas instead of Yeshua. Matthew 27:25 “Let His blood be upon us and upon our children.” The miracle of this cry was that it produced just that! This has been the tragedy of the Jews, through the last 2000 years. But if you think about it, it is the unsaid cry of all people outside of the cross!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 00:38:11 +0000

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