This attached video shows utterly despicable behavior. If you - TopicsExpress


This attached video shows utterly despicable behavior. If you participated in this you should be ashamed of yourself. The vast majority of police officers, many of them have served our nation in the military, carry out their duties with respect for the community and their actions protect the average citizen from the worst in our society. Its unfortunate that police are sometimes involved in the death of citizens, but the recent cases that have been highlighted by the media are certainly not murders, and thats why the officers involved werent indicted. The circumstances were tragic for all involved, the families of those who died are suffering, and the officers and their families also suffer while watching the disturbing, disruptive behavior of a few bad apples. I served to uphold and defend the constitution, including the first amendment rights of those to assemble peacefully and express their views, but to those who burned businesses in Ferguson, MO, and those who lay in the streets of NYC blocking traffic (including ambulances and other vital government services) be advised these are not peaceful assemblies. These actions impede on the rights of others, and in that sense are in violation of the law. Someone will surely comment Free Speech on this post, but those who remember their high school social studies might remember the landmark case law stating You can not yell fire in a crowded movie theater. This type of speech is dangerous, as is the type of speech that insights violence towards those keeping the peace. To the officers of NYC, and around the world, please continue to carry out your duties to the best of your ability, Veterans like myself fully understand you are put in tough situations, and you must make split second decisions, that sometimes result in tragedy, and we support you. Your patience with these recent protests is above and beyond what is called for. Please continue to uphold the law, and make arrests when necessary to protect the rights of others. To those who are protesting peacefully, I may not necessarily agree with your views, but thats ok, I will support your right to gather. I ask you to condemn the behavior you see in this video, and condemn the disruptive and violent actions of others among you.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 21:55:59 +0000

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