This author speaks of channeling most of the three manuscripts. In - TopicsExpress


This author speaks of channeling most of the three manuscripts. In January 2013 the Collectives Nu, channeled energies of the Universe also narrated three manuscripts, of over 200,000 words. Creative Light, Your Other Realities and Lives and After- Lives. Most of the time, I was not aware of what was coming through. I would feel the energy in the morning and they would begin, I would sit at my kitchen table and write and I never knew what the words were going to be. Many days my husband would keep me supplied with cold and hot drinks, and i most of the time was not aware of him placing them next to me. Sometimes, he would say goodnight to me and i realised that I had been writing for over 8 hrs, pausing only to reach for more paper. The word Nu was given only after I asked for a name to refer to them by and only after a week. They gave it with the understanding that it was a word and not a name. The similarities of what happened to me and what happened to this man are many. The three years strange experiences prior to the collective energy coming through, the leap in Consciousness and understanding of energy and the universal mind, and the urge of soul to continue to help others and to tell others of the Grace and the Love and the Balance and the Science and the Infinite Realities of our energy all strike a chord of unique sameness, and individual and yet collective synchronicity. The first manuscript to be published on kindle is about life after death, religious beliefs and then your other lives after death, answers your questions about religion and the levels and dimensions of other realities and aids in your expansion of your consciousness. The three manuscripts are now with a publisher and awaiting paperback consideration. For those of you who wish to expand your consciousness, for those of you who wish to gently consider there is more to your life than what you know now, i offer you this link with this post. However, for those of you who wish to read of Lars Muhls experience and his understandings I am sharing this link to his book. For it does not matter how the love is shared....only that it is and peace janine e lever.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 21:53:35 +0000

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