This episode, and the one from the week before it, Is getting rave - TopicsExpress


This episode, and the one from the week before it, Is getting rave reviews as one of the best ever... and even more than others could massively benefit or even save your life or masses of people according to ones application of it due the astroclimate and prescriptions for all of us in it. ... Astroclimate heads up essential summary, and link to Nov 9ths Full report. For the last several days and around the next 2 weeks... 1st ; examples from one extreme expression of Ideal through to dangerous. Avoid power struggles, arguments and losing temper, direct it into something use-full. Direct the INTENSELY POWERFUL energy wisely, because it is EXTREMELY power-full... for good or ill according to applications / responses / co-creation with it. IDEAL ; ASCENDING/ASCENSION POTENTIAL EXTREMELY HIGH. A timely synchronistic Astroclimate for the times summary model. Expect the unexpected to be prepared for and thus best accept the unexpected, and expand massively in the openings rather than think or perceive it as loss. Clearing out the outmoded, releasing resents etc. One window closes and an entire door opens. For details listen this Sundays weekly free Astroclimate reports on 15 yr running radio show Universal Traveller or hear last weeks or previous weekly shows for free at Also plenty of recent posts ion this below and at Astrology and Mayan Cosmology group. -https://facebook/groups/email.for.astrology.and.mayan.cosmology/ https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=10154821981330338&set=a.10150245052075338.470345.877105337&type=1 (Primary realm ; Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn square to Uranus in Aries.) Universal Traveller; (Air Date Nov 9 2014) Empowering Our Lives via multiple diverse synergistic Holistic Metaphysical Applications (Such as Astroclimatology*) for maximizing wise co-creation with the natural causal planes; The Naturix; the natural Matrix of natural order/ healthy growth/expansion/release processes. (More details...(for new listeners, about the show, and listening to, or saving the show(s)... in the Moon Earth Phase Window above each episode link in the right hand column of the default opening front main page of the site) For more info or personal consultation please e-mail [email protected] ****FREE Insta Listen or Download LINK ; Universal Traveller Nov 9, 2014. TO LISTEN OR DOWNLOAD FREE SHOW (s) ; -Click a Universal Traveller Episode link (in the right hand column) at the site ... *To listen left click the play bar arrow (>) *To Save the audio file right click the Bar that opens there, and select save link as OR ... Subscribe for FREE automatic Weekly DOWNLOADS at For more info or personal consultation please e-mail [email protected] *Main site for free past shows and more information Astroclimate of the Epoc; Multiple Metaphysical reference points for navigating wise co-creation from primary root issues outward in the long term Major paradigm shift of the Epoc Astroclimatology is like multidimensional radar. Like a Cosmic Cosmological macro level causal plane Weather report. And in this era it is like having Astroclimatological reports in the macro storm of ascension frequencies and productive cycles of natural order in a storm. And as far as navigating the flow paths in the Universal Water Current, it is like having a full spectrum of traffic lights for any process of space time, past present or future. Extremely empowering and like everything requires application of the awareness in ones life/modes etc. Perceiving things at a different scale changes ones perspective on the universe... these are microscopic images, now lets look at the macroscopic in our lives... *Astro-cosmological life flow path readings... to comprehend what is beyond the mind, with and through the mind, and thus accordingly consciously apply, empower etc... (and how to get through Ascension symptoms without losing your mind ....etc ad infinitum) Personal Readings and Free weekly Astroclimate etc podcasts at If you are really going through intensity lately I suggest a personal or real-ationship life flow path reading. Unlimitedly empower your life, message me in such regards. The truth of now all-ways partitions ; To what do we hold to, focus most on, and move towards, and therefor what do we let go, or put on hold for now. Be the change you want to see, and see it being, within and around and expanding to all accordingly. “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” ― C.G. Jung For more details, listen to last weeks or any past free Astrocosmology radio show(s) available at the main site MORE INFO ABOUT THE SHOWS... * Astro-Climatology* -Macro Field Holistic Heart/ Spirit Centred Earth Living Applying Multiple Metaphysical reference points/awareness to infinitely enhance awareness to apply to our personal lives, to maximize overall well being (Health/effectiveness/success/joy etc....) (Syncronizing with Natural Syncronicity to Maximize overall beneficial outcomes) Empowering Weekly Causal Plane Weather Reports (present emphasized shift potentials) - for Personal Empower-meant with-in the whole NOW. Most recent broadcast of Universal Traveller ; Astro-climatology Reports....etc As above So below, as with-in so with-out ; Astro-climatology reports for Empowering our Lives -Extreme Rebirth Potential, and highly suggested Applications to apply in our own ways. Know thyself NOW. Start a-gain from here now. Main theme; Grow forth freely now and co-create more beauty-full. Maximizing overall well being. Let go in order to grow. Holding resentment (or any hurts/resentment/negative energy etc) hurts the holder. The accordingly it is that much more easier to Grow forth freely now and co-create more beauty-full. Universal Transmutation/Release formula ; 4As (C/E)(A/G) Acknowledge, accept, forgive and apologize, factor with empathy and compassion, and encompass and re-place/restore with Appreciation and gratitude ***For more info or personal consultation please e-mail [email protected] or visit the main site
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 02:59:42 +0000

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