This fell into my heart a little over 2 weeks ago…It amazes me - TopicsExpress


This fell into my heart a little over 2 weeks ago…It amazes me how through the hardest times of our lives when it seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, that we have irrefutable proof that the final outcome to our circumstances was supposed to happen and we are or were left to bare the pain. Why is it amazing? Because at those times where our pain and unbearable tears are falling heavy from our face, it becomes difficult to understand and accept that “it isn’t over and this will not be the final outcome!” Although we have the justified and complete rational reason to feel alone, in pain and in sorrow beyond what seems like something we cannot bear, HE IS NOT DONE. Be honest, how many of us can truly look at the heavens in the midst of our horrific pain and storm and say “I will still serve You”. I’ll be the first to confess, it’s a hard rock to swallow and I don’t know if I could. I’ll never denounce the power of Christ my Lord and the Cross He was nailed to so please don’t misunderstand what I’m saying but I also know (as He does) that I’m human. Falling on my knees to worship Him in the midst of indescribable pain and horrific uncertainty and a devastated heart is not the first thing that would pop up in my mind even though I should be doing exactly that. He sheds tears alongside with us in the middle of those unbearable circumstances. I want to challenge anyone out there willing to take 5 minutess to read John 11:1-37 and then when you’re done reading, see how loving Christ really is. There was no religious or doctrinal statements or law that made Christ be Himself and do what He did. There was no huge sermon nor was there bylaws that was being pressed and denominational theories. It was pure love with a stance on who He is in authority from heaven for all times. HOLY, RIGHTEOUS AND JUST!!! I learned not that long ago and have stirred up the pot a lot by saying this but Christ is not FAIR. He never was and never will be “FAIR”. FAIR means that a decision or outcome must come out to please both sides of the table we sit in. But it’s not about us and never will be. We are not here to negotiate terms with the Alpha the Omega and the Beginning and the End to have a “FAIR” outcome to our lives. He has a perfect non-negotiable plan that is beyond our wildest dreams for each and every one of us. That is why I thank the Father almighty that He is Holy, Righteous and Just! Funny how we think being “fair” means being “Right” or “EQUAL”. When we put Him first, then we are lifted and exalted by The King of Kings and Lord of Lords and not by men and women. He does it with true love and passionate grace (1Peter 5:6) and not by being “fair”. God loves us so much beyond words that he needed to send His son to die for us and shed His holy blood to end our “fairness”. Our sins was and is always justified by fairness. “Well if you stole from me then I’m going to steal from you…that’s fair!” or hide like cowards and use the Word of God out of context to justify “fair” like this famous one: “…eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot” (Deuteronomy 19:21). I have been guilty of this on so many levels! Was it fair to those praying for a miracle when Christ was being warned about Lazarus sickness, prior to his death on John 11:3that He chose to wait? Was it fair to those who loved Lazarus and saw him die right in front of their eyes and Christ knew that Lazarus had died and then chose to head to him? John 11:11-15. Now here is the kicker, when He arrived to Judea, Christ showed up with the sole purpose to show who He is and so that everyone would believe in Him (John 11:15). Knowing full well that He was going to raise Lazarus and calm the devastated hearts that were crying for 4 days due to the death of Lazarus and show He is the Christ, He instead was moved into tears because of His undying love. He still in verse 35 wept with them. I pray to God someone out there can see this!!! Christ knew their hearts would be soothed once he brought Lazarus back. He knew that their tears would only be temporary and would instantly end the second they saw Lazarus walk out of the tomb. He mentioned it at verse 14 and 15. And yet, the author of life wept with them in the midst of their pain even though He knew that it was temporary!!! Was that fair to make them go through that? Let’s flip the coin. The timing of Christ is perfect and on point. It always has been and always will be. There was a purpose and He could have easily walked into town, wiped the tears off some faces and say “watch this”. Vuala, He is exalted for bringing back Lazarus…TA DAA!!! BUT HE DIDN’T! He instead wanted to meet them right there in the midst of their pain and poured out tears with them and compassion to their pain and wept alongside them KNOWING full well that shortly thereafter those tears would quickly disappear. He cried with them. He’s right there with us because His plan and timeframe is perfect and while we wait for His plan to be completed, he meets us in the middle of that horrific and unbearable pain and weeps right alongside with us while we wait for Him to complete His work! That’s why He kept saying to us to trust in Him: Psalms 3:5-8, Psalms13:5, Psalms 33:4-6, Psalms 40:4, Psalms 56:3-4, Proverbs 3:5, Isaiah 26:3-4, Isaiah 40:31, John14:27, Matt 11:28-29, Matt 14:27, Mark 11:24, Philippians 4:6-7 (I think you get the idea). He knows the outcome. Our pain is just a waiting period. There lies the rock to swallow as I mentioned earlier. May God’s love, grace and mercy reach out to whomever is listening. -Joey
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 19:30:58 +0000

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