This is NOT surprising at all! Im ashamed to say it but the United - TopicsExpress


This is NOT surprising at all! Im ashamed to say it but the United States isnt 1st anymore! We have become a nation of war mongering, whining, narcissistic, complainers that are more willing to use violence and shoot people that we are willing to solve our problems! When the weak, poor, homeless, uneducated, and minorities become the primary targets of our own federal government and its citizens, the entire nation is doomed to fail. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer! The things the Bush administration made popular and acceptable, and also is the most destructive things that have happened to this nation in the previous two or three generations. Ignorance, racism, and flat-out stupidity coupled with violence! Not only did he start wars in the Middle East, but he also started wars right here at home! This nation is nothing like it was before 9/11, and not just because of the attack itself! When I heard words like things will never be the same, it troubled me greatly. A truly great nation, a nation of democracy, does not have to change its most basic core policies and values to fight any enemy! IT DOESNT HAVE TO BECOME ITS ENEMY! Since the selection of George Bush Jr, and the rise of radical Republicanism, this countrys been on a crash dive ever since and it continues till this day! As for the problems with the health care system I have a good analogy. Here in North Carolina, a state that brags about itself incessantly, and of Duke University Medical Center who seems to make the list as being one of the best hospitals in the country every year, about 10 years ago or so, Duke transplanted the wrong heart into a patient and killed her! That is something not even one of the worst hospitals that never make the list has ever done! People continue to tout the United States as the best because they are ignorant and the title is self-serving, albeit totally false, just like North Carolina and Duke University Medical Center! REALISM BRINGS REALIZATION!
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 19:30:14 +0000

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