This is SO true! I have the perfect example as to why, too... - TopicsExpress


This is SO true! I have the perfect example as to why, too... Think of this: Youre selling a vehicle or trying to get a job lets say or even a date and a customer or a business looks you up on Social Media. Lets say your PROFILE picture is something thats inappropriate to a matter that the customer or company does not like. Or lets say your profile is good, but you have open publically posts stating what you did last night, or explaining how you feel about your relationship or another person in a negative matter. Or its on friends but Im friends with one of your friends and youre tagged in it. Boom, I just saw it and so did anyone else thats associated with that one person. Its crazy to think this, but its very true! THIS IS VISIBALE people! More than you thought. Why then as a customer would I trust YOU? Or do business with you? Think about this statement for a second... How many people are you truly affecting in a positive or negative matter? Jobs, people and relationships are often judged by who you are, what you are, what you do, etc. Word of mouth will get you further or the opposite route, in the wrong direction than that piece of paper you worked for 4yrs. Its sad, but its unfortunately true. Do you see where Im going with this? My honest opinion. You are who you are and there is nothing that can change that. But there is... YOU! You can tweak, rethink and change the way you post, act or react to things. Social media was developed where you can read INSTANT gratification, and always be in the NOW vs. waiting for a publicized newspaper or TV commercial, etc. (Depending on the media you follow). If youre completely confused to this post, watch this YouTube video from Mark Cuban and youll then see why I posted what I did.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 02:57:26 +0000

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