This is a discussion that many dont get. The African American - TopicsExpress


This is a discussion that many dont get. The African American Community is a community founded on skakey ground. We were brought to a country in chains dehumanized and mistreated beyond anything one could ever imagine. This substandard beginning has continued to plague AAs in this day. Physically we are free but the mind is still captive. For true change to come we must evolve into a people who no longer think as though we are on the plantation. I know that this is gonna step on some toes on both sides but hey you either love me or you dont. We as AAs know that the playing field has never been equal in the game of race relations. Why do we keep approaching the same problem in the same manor. Why do we keep looking for change on the outside. We need change on the inside. Enough with the fighting and killing one another. Enough with the foolish images we put out into the world. While our young people are twerking and showing their butts others are teaching their young to become players in the world of business and commerce. While our youth are gang banging and thinking of catch phrases to look good on Facebook. Others are building lasting communities. While we sit and wonder why people think that black life is not worth being protected under the law we are looting during protest. Nothing is gonna change for AA until AA changes and when we do we will have the level playing field because we match our potential. We will value ourselves and those among us. Thats what we have to do. Change our outcome. Now white America you cant wipe your hands clean. You still have the dirt of racism and hate under your fingernails too. Your forefathers didnt ever think ahead and believe that slavery was ever gonna end. So when it ended they had no intention for a black man to become a full citizen. What do you think would happen when you displace a group of people and disenfranchise their ability to learn or to make a living for themselves. You strip them from there equal chance to become a part of the American dream. Slavery Jim Crow all of that has had a lasting em pact on AA life and it was all done to keep a group of people behind in life but yet it has back fired. I know many dont like the truth but the truth is the history of this country is built on racism. It was built on the backs of a people who were never ment to be included as part of this nation. You cant back away from the hand that rocked the cradle. Hate has shaped the eroding concept of race in this country. Laws were once in place to keep a group of people from ever becoming a full part of this country. Its only been 50 years since the civil rights act has come about and if you think that just signing a act rights the wrongs of over400 years then you are under a rock.... So thoses of you on either side of the fence think that the current actions between both parties are gonna change anything for the better then you are sadly mistaken. Its time for change all across the board.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 20:52:20 +0000

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