This is a message from a brain cancer patient that has been - TopicsExpress


This is a message from a brain cancer patient that has been relying on this oil to extend his quality of life for some time Hey John! I talked with my mom and we can come up with $500. I believe you said it’d take $200 for expenses and $35/gram so for $300 I can get 8.5 grams. I know you said you wouldn’t be able to do any more for a while so we’ll get this while we can. I have about 15g left right now so I’ll be able to get by for a bit longer and perhaps find someone to help fill in the gap for a bit. So obviously I’m to the point where money is tight. I know that we were able to start off at least paying what it costs a few times and it’s been less and less since then. I don’t know the relationship between you and any of your other patients but you have told me that most of them can pay little, if anything at all. I’ve done the rough calculations and I know that you are being more than fair about how much it costs to keep it all going. You are a compassionate, loving person who selflessly gives his money and time (and hopefully not but maybe, freedom) so that others can have a chance to survive. That is very admirable and I am beyond appreciative for the help you’ve given me. However, people are taking advantage of you. I think you know this. It is not fair to me or anyone else that has been able to donate along the way, but most of all it is not fair to you. It is not fair that you live out of a tent, facing prosecution, spending most of your own money on this project, barely scraping by with a truck that frequently breaks down, so that other people can benefit. I know you want to help people, and I admire that. But you know it’s been said many times before that you can’t help anyone else unless you first help yourself. And that doesn’t mean being selfish, just that your own needs must be met in order to effectively help others. I know just as well as any of your other patients how hard it can be to come up with the money for their medicine, especially if you are disabled an unable to work a regular job. I’ll even admit that I would never have gotten this far without a great support system of family and friends. Not everyone has access to the resources that I have had access to. But that doesn’t mean that YOU, or anyone else, have to pick up the slack. So the bottom line I’m getting at is that I think it’s (beyond) time for people to start donating for exactly what they’re getting. If any outside donations come in that you can use, then great. But there doesn’t seem to be much coming that way. Like I said, I don’t know the details of the relationships between you and your other patients so maybe you’ve already taken these measures, but what I do know is that it is not fair for some to donate and others to not. I do believe it is our human duty to help others in need, but only if they’re willing to help themselves. I believe everyone has a right to access health care, in any form they choose. But I do not believe that everyone has the right to get health care at the expense of someone else. It definitely goes for me too. I know there have been times when I’ve gotten more medicine than what I could donate, and I am thankful, but from now on I don’t expect to get anything more than I can donate at the time. So anyways, like I said at the beginning we can get you $500. We can give you cash if you prefer, or if you like we can send it to the GoFundMe account and save you a trip out here. Just lemme know what cha wanna do. Thanks brotha!!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 17:31:48 +0000

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