This is a purely personal announcement. My recent experience with - TopicsExpress


This is a purely personal announcement. My recent experience with a boot and a highly uncomfortable shoe that was the only one I had compatible with it, all to help heal a broken toe that I can not even feel as a problem has highlighted an issue more important to me than even I realised: I Hate Shoes. They are a misery to me. All of my life, Ive had problems with my feet, recurring ones, unique ones, and ones that defied the probabilities (ie, when the podiatrist says wow, Ive _heard_ that can happen twice to someone, but its rare, and _Ive_ never seen it). The conventional wisdom is that if I just had the *right* shoes... and, of course, everyone drones on and on about arch support being some sort of magic cure. Stop it. Just stop it, all of you. Just so you know, about arch support and me: The arches I was given to correct this problem when I was ten kept me in near constant agony for almost a year, until the only doctor who recognised what I needed (ironically enough in the heart of Appalachia where expertise in science was sorely lacking) tossed them in the trash in front of my horrified mother, and drawled that she should just let me run bar-foot. Since then, the only time my feet have been happy is when I dont wear shoes. Sandals, perhaps (ok, I LOVE my current make of sandal), sneakers when its cold, but really, no. Ive had only two pairs of winter boots in my entire life that I liked, and theyre long gone. The point is, that I despise shoes, and only wear them when I must, when they are a tool for accomplishing some goal that my bare feet cant do, or required. Most of the time, when I wear shoes, its because SOMEONE ELSE has decided that I must. Now let this sink in. I have to endure misery on my feet because OTHER PEOPLE have decided FOR ME that this is whats best. And Ive had a half of a century to learn that most of the time, when people do that, its not for my benefit, but for theirs, and its rarely for my good or my comfort, that I must endure what I hate, what in extreme cases can make me miserable, cranky, oversensitive to ANYTHING. As if I dont have enough to deal with where my feet are concerned, other people seem to think that they have enough Authority over my affairs to demand that I wear what I hate, and act put out when I balk at it. Maybe, in the time I have left on this planet, I can bloody well decide for myself what needs to go on my feet and when, and maybe if you think otherwise, I dont need you. And maybe Im just extra cranky about that today. But if youre someone who feels a need to tell me to put some shoes on, you might want to consider if you need me to be extra cranky. That also goes for anyone who feels compelled to point out that its cold outside today, as if I might not know.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 23:27:08 +0000

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