This is all i had time to write during my 30 min meal break, but - TopicsExpress


This is all i had time to write during my 30 min meal break, but its going in the right direction ! Paterson is going to have some competition. *Double Crossed* Charles Barnes the director of the federal beau of prisons basically authorized Assistant director of the B.O.P. Steve Stay specifically to recruit detective Malcolm Brown for a covert operation in the federal penitentiary . Not word for word but assistant director Steve Stay got the indirect message from his boss and improvised, handled the matter . An inmate had alledgedly escaped from one maximum security prison, broke into a different maximum security prison commitiing murder then breaking into a city morgue commiting additional homicide, stealing the corpse and broken back into his original prison facility undetected .Assistant director of B.O.P. Steve Stay designed a maximum security facility and security measures for a underground prison which helped escalate/catapult his bosses career and got him promoted from architectural foreman to assistant director of oporations , to be housed at a totally anonomous location with absolutely no visiting options. no lawyers, family members, media, inmates and most importantly organized crime families or individuals would be able to jepordize federal informants before or after they testified for the federal government on dangerous criminals. This was a one of a kind witness protection facility encouraging individuals to rat out criminals who would normaly have them murdered for cooperating with authorities . Since the program 1416 inmates were recruited for the program . Six facilities of its kind were distributed throughout the united states and others in ally countries . The prison moguls were designed and built at one location and covertly transported to the area in which the facility was intended . Residents would be informed on a need to know basis that a city subway or underground water and oil pipelines were being built and installed . Detective Malcolm Brown had been recruited by the beau for an undercover assignment specificly to uncover and determine ezactly how inmate Arthur Herron had masterminded and incorporated this Hudini murder . The only incrimidating evidence to go so far had been the suspects illegally verified semen sample uncovered in a saliva specimen found at the city morge murder scene
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 05:55:00 +0000

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