This is amazing story and I wanted to share it: Angela Maddox- - TopicsExpress


This is amazing story and I wanted to share it: Angela Maddox- S Hi My name is Angela, I am a recovering meth addict 7 years clean, I have bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and I used to hear voices. I was pretty much a mess... I was told that I would have to take up to 4 different types of meds just to have a somewhat normal life... These meds were to regulate my severe mood swings, severe manic episodes, severe depression/anxiety, and hopeful control the split personality disorder. All of this on top of trying to break a habit/addiction that had me completely defenseless... I saw a psychologist and a psychatrist 2 different times a week every week just trying to maintain and gain some normalcy... I was getting better... much better.. Then the weight started to pile on... Pound after pound.. While mentally i felt better than i had ever felt... Emotionally i was a total mess.. About this same time, i got invited to my class reunion (20 years)... Immediately went on the slim fast diet.. they make it sound so easy.. Slimfast for breakfast, another for lunch, and a 500 calorie meal, 3 months later i had lost only 8 pounds.. But hey, that was 8 pounds!! I went to my reunion, got awarded most CHANGED.. Now, to some that would have been an amazing award. But for me.. NOT SO MUCH.. I was a size 0-2 in high school.. I went to the front of the room to accept my award that my classmates, some of which hadnt seen me in those 20 years chose me to receive, in a size 14 dress... So as you can probably guess.. that really did a number on me.. I was determined to lose weight somehow.. BUT WHAT? There really wasnt anything on the market that i knew of that truly worked... Thats when i found ACE.... November of 2010, my life began to change so drastically that i almost still cant believe it!! January of 2011, i posted on fb i had lost 40lbs n i love my ace on fb.. Came home to 87 inbox messages, thats how my business got started. Never wanted a business, never wanted a team.. Just wanted to feel like i was feeling.. Happy, my friends n family were noticing a difference in me.. I felt wonderful!!! I have now lost 86 lbs and lots of inches.. 5 pant sizes, 4 sizes in shirts, best part is.. I havent had any of that medicine that those educated doctors said i would have to take to have a normal life.. I no longer suffer from mania, depression, voices, NOTHING.. I AM HAPPY, HEALTHY... and have never felt better in my life... Oh and as for that somewhat NORMAL life.. I think Ive EXCEEDED that!!! I am an EXECUTIVE PLATINUM DIRECTOR with this amazing company, I have over 13,000 active associates all across the united states, I have some of the most precious friends who have became family, paid off all old debts, pay all of my bills ahead of time, make triple and quadruple payments on our house, new camper, new boat, paid off 3 different items that were purchased less than a year ago already.. THANK YOU to each of you who inspire me EVERY SINGLE day.. I owe so much of who I am becoming to each of you! P.s. One thing that i failed to mention were the 3 different actual suicide attempts i had made prior to make a choice to change... If you would like to try Ace please visit:Lezli.lovemyace
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 17:06:47 +0000

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