This is an emotionally charged article that centers on societal - TopicsExpress


This is an emotionally charged article that centers on societal problems without understanding the root cause and a call for change without putting forth the solutions. But the emotional frustration about the failure of the current system is real. Once ideas shift for a large portion of a population, once the vision of a new society grips the popular imagination, the old regime is finished. An uprising that is devoid of ideas and vision is never a threat to ruling elites. Social upheaval without clear definition and direction, without ideas behind it, descends into nihilism, random violence and chaos. It consumes itself. President Obama and the Democrats (and the Republicans) have failed the American people, especially the poor and propertyless who are increasingly dependent on ever-lower-paying jobs, taxpayer-supported welfare financed through tax extraction and national debt, and charity. The Democrats have never once pointed out that as job destroying and labor-devaluing technology advances and the scale of economic growth becomes too expensive for the resources of average people, only the rich will own the enterprises that generate the bulk of production. This is the greed or hoggist capitalism that is practiced in America. Everyone other than the rich who own capital is limited to wages or sub-economic microenterprises, unless the rich decide to be generous and voluntarily surrender some of their wealth so that others can own productive capital, too. The Democrats are part of the problem in that they have stepped into the ranks of those who, within this past savings paradigm, see as the alternative to having a few rich people monopolize ownership to change what ownership means. By changing what ownership means, the State (whether the central government or the local community) decides what and how much of the fruits of ownership go to those who hold legal title, and what and how much is distributed in some fashion to others in the local community or the nation at large. This makes title a meaningless concept, abolishes private property, and is socialism, by whatever label. The Democrats need to acknowledge that if we restrict financing of economic growth to what can be withheld from consumption out of what has been produced in the past, we are necessarily trapped into either monopoly capitalism (concentrated private ownership of productive capital) or socialism (concentrated State ownership or control of productive capital). The Democrats need to see that there is a way out: a source of financing economic growth that does not depend on how much consumption can be reduced. Instead of using the present value of past reductions in consumption to finance economic growth, it is possible -- even preferable -- to finance economic growth using the present value of future increases in production. In other words, shift from a past savings system, to a future savings system. The focus needs to be on OWNERSHIP CREATION, not JOBS CREATION, which has been the Democrats pitch thus far. Instead the challenge is to reform the system to provide equal opportunity for ALL Americans to acquire ownership of FUTURE wealth-creating, income-generating productive capital assets with FUTURE SAVINGS (earnings) generated by the investments. Thus, over time EVERY American citizen will be able to accumulate a viable, income-generating capital estate portfolio to provide a second income to their wages earned from job employment or provide a sustainable income without the need to be employed in a job or dependent on welfare or charity. See my article, Democrats Have Failed... But Opportunity For Redemption Awaits at huffingtonpost/gary-reber/democrats-have-failedbut-_b_3818202.html
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 17:33:03 +0000

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