This is from Harley Pearce Older testimonies! Im now 8 months in - TopicsExpress


This is from Harley Pearce Older testimonies! Im now 8 months in and a new testimony yet to come! Today makes 7 wks. Since Ive started taking Plexus! At the end of September 2012, my body was debilitated to the point that I could no longer be relied upon to show up to work on a daily basis. As a matter of fact, my then roommate was going to work with me and doing my job for me while I laid on a couch with my heating pad and taking about 12 lortabs to barely make it through the day! I was working for two different companies providing care for people who were in my shape! Sept. 27th I had to quit! This thing had robbed me of my job and had begun to rob me of my life as a whole! Quickly, I dove into a cycle of chronic pain, debilitation, and depression! Im a single mom of two amazing people, my son 19, and my daughter 6! My son has been thrown into the caregiver position. I was not even able to drive myself! And being a parent from my bed was overwhelming to me! I did not and do not want to raise my child from my bed and shoving narcotics down my throat until they shut down my organs and I die! I was loss with no hope, no light at the end of the tunnel for me! I really thought that if this was what my kids would have to see from me from here on out, then Im not doing it to them! Im not going to have my kids thinking its ok to live off narcotics and lay up in bed, plus be responsible for taking care of me! Thats a hard pill to swallow! I thought about suicide on a regular basis, especially after I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and learned there is no cure. I even prayed that it was cancer instead. At least that way I had a chance to overcome/survive it or just die! I even thought about how people do move on after someone dies and eventually my family would move on. I know that sounds very wrong and awful and I no longer think those thoughts! But let me tell you, when your body is in constant chronic pain without relief, until youve been there, please dont judge me! Think about being in hard labor and how women behave! Now picture her being in hard labor without ceasing for months on end...catching my drift here? So my moms best friend started taking Plexus and shared the info with her and then my mom called me! I knew about Plexus for a few months before I started taking it. I didnt have any money because I had stopped working! I had to get on food stamps and eventually my doctor had to sign papers for me to get cash assistance! Is that embarrassing? Yes, it is! But I really have no one to depend on completely, but me! The cash assistance isnt much! $220 a month to be exact! How was I going to order Plexus when I couldnt barely pay my bills?! Thank God, I dont pay rent! On the second month I recieved my cash assistance I took the chance and ordered what they suggested based upon my needs! I didnt have a choice, at this point, I wasnt going to make it through another month anyway so it was either die now or trust God to provide a way to cover my bills and order this stuff that people are getting great results on and live again! Well, by reading this, you know what I chose! Im Here today! Im also not completely cured but I am on the road to recovery! I went from being on Fentanyl patch 50mcg to the lowest dose of morphine (with no withdrawals), Ive been able to get off my kolonpin for anxiety, and stop taking my allergy medication! Ive also lost 13lbs and have kept it off! I still have a road ahead of me and a battle to fight! I recently found out that I tested positive for an auto immune disease which through further testing they will he able to determine which one I have. Also, I have suffered from servers allergies in which Im supposed to carry an epi pen! I an allergic to basically everything and almost all the foods Ive been tested for! Suffering with that youre whole life is more than most can handle and that in itself has been devestating to me my whole life! I have suffered with hypoglycemia since childhood and guess what? Its GONE! And on top of all of that, chronic fatigue! Yuck! But, even the nights I dont sleep well, I still feel good and energetic now thanks to my Plexus! And mind you, Ive probably had this auto immune disease for a long time, but I just asked to be tested! Thats right, I asked, they didnt just figure it out for me! Now, even on my bad days, which are fewer and further between, I still feel good mentally because I know between God, me, and Plexus, weve got this! When this all got to much for me to bare and I gave it to God, he gave me an answer! You sceptics of GOD out there probably are thinking, why doesnt he just heal you then? I know why, because he knows me and I know me! In many ways I had given up on life. I was a functioning person going to work, church, taking care of my kids, etc. But inside I was almost dead! I have recently lost my daddy, and on top of that, as far as men go, I felt when it came down to it, I always just had me...and I was tired and lonely. Me and God both needed to see me fight for myself and thats what Im doing! Im in the battle for my life as a whole and I lay myself wide open here for judgement and embarrassment! But, if I can touch just one person by my testimony, then it is way worth it! I cant rave enough about Plexus and what it continues to do for me! I will say it literally has saved my life on many levels! I see light at the end of my tunnel and I expect a full recovery from all that ails me! P.S. Im also making money again and working my schedule, not Someone elses and that feels great! This is my 4 month update: my pain medicine intake is cut in half from where I started. My anxiety medication is used as needed instead of twice a day! My allergy medicine is used as needed and I did allergy testing yesterday and all my food allergies are gone, which I was allergic to corn, wheat, soy, potato, and pinto beans, but no more! My fingernails are grown out and the only time that has happened was when I was pregnant! I have maintained my weight loss and still eat whatever I want! My energy level is great! Ive gained my ability to drive again and hold my 9 month old nephew who I couldnt hold when he was newborn! There are just so many little things that are probably insignificant to others that mean the world to me! I basically take the whole system excluding the accelerator. My main concern at this point is to continue to beat my fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and other health issues that have debilitated me, and I can honestly say that the Plexus system as a whole has given my life back! Not only physically and mentally, but I am now on my way to financial freedom and that is a wonderful feeling to have! Not to mention Im sitting here right now at 1:00 in the afternoon having a lazy day because I work for myself and I set my own hours! Love love love my Plexus!!
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 03:47:56 +0000

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